CardInfo.js allows you to get the logo of the bank and brand, brand colors and etc. by card number. Use this data to make beautiful forms for bank cards. The database currently has 49 most popular Russian banks, soon will be added banks for United States, Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand. You can play with the example of the form on the demo page.
Документация на русском языке здесь.
Download CardInfo.js, install via bower bower install card-info
or npm npm install card-info
Insert JS file with plugin to your html:
<script src="/bower_components/card-info/dist/card-info.min.js"></script>
Now you can use the class CardInfo
in your code:
var cardInfo = new CardInfo('4377730000000000');
console.log('Bank name:', cardInfo.bankName);
// > Bank Name: Tinkoff Bank
console.log('Bank logo:', cardInfo.bankLogo);
// > Bank logo: /bower_components/card-info/dist/banks-logos/ru-tinkoff.svg
new CardInfo(number)
new CardInfo(number, options)
card number, number or string, spaces are allowed in the string.options
the object with the settings.
If the first 6 digits of the card number failed to determine the bank details, then the fields bankAlias, bankName, bankNameEn, bankCountry, bankUrl, bankLogoPng, bankLogoSvg, bankLogo, bankLogoStyle, backgroundColor, backgroundColors, backgroundLightness, textColor, backgroundGradient will have a default value.
If the first digits in the card number failed to determine the brand information, the fields brandAlias, brandName, brandLogoPng, brandLogoSvg, brandLogo, codeName, codeLength, numberLengths, numberGaps will have a default value.
by defaultnull
Short name of the bank in English, all letters are small, without spaces. If the bank is not defined, the value isnull
by defaultnull
The name of the bank in the language of the country in which the bank operates.bankNameEn
by defaultnull
Name of the bank in English.bankCountry
by defaultnull
The country code in which this bank operates.'ru'
- Russia.bankUrl
by defaultnull
Link to the site of the bank.bankLogo
by defaultnull
The path to the bank's logo. For each bank in the folderdist/banks-logos
there is a logo in PNG format, for some, also in SVG. The name of the file is determined by the property of the instance ofbankAlias
. The path to the file is determined by the property of the settingsbanksLogosPath
. The extension of the logo is determined by the property of the preferencespreferredExt
. Example: for the bank "Tinkoff" the value will be'/bower_components/card-info/dist/banks-logos/ru-tinkoff.svg'
by defaultnull
The path to the bank's logo in PNG format.bankLogoSvg
by defaultnull
The path to the bank's logo in SVG format, if there is a logo in SVG format for this bank.bankLogoStyle
by defaultnull
If the logo is predominantly black, then'black'
, if it is white, then'white'
, if colored,'colored'
by default'#eeeeee'
The color associated with the bank. If the bank is not defined, the value will be'#eeeeee'
by default['#eeeeee', '#dddddd']
An array of colors associated with the bank. If the bank is not defined, the value will be['#eeeeee', '#dddddd']
by default'light'
If the background color is light, then the value is'light'
, otherwise'dark'
by defaultlinear-gradient(135deg, #eeeeee, #dddddd)
Contains a string with the CSS property of thebackground
property, setting which, you will get a gradient from the colors specified in the fieldbackgroundColors
. The angle can be specified in the property of the settingsgradientDegrees
by default'#000'
The color of the text that will be well visible on the background specified in thebackgroundColor
by defaultnull
Short name of the brand in English, all letters are small, without spaces.brandName
by defaultnull
The full name of the brand.brandLogo
by defaultnull
The path to the logo brand. For each brand in the folderdist/brands-logos
there is a logo in PNG and SVG format and in three styles: black, white and color. The name of the file is determined by the property of the instancebrandAlias
. The path to the file is determined by the properties of thebrandsLogosPath
settings. The extension of the logo is determined by the property of the preferencespreferredExt
. The style of the logo is determined by the property of thebrandLogoPolicy
settings. Example: for the "Visa" brand, the value will be'/bower_components/card-info/dist/brands-logos/visa-colored.svg'
by defaultnull
The path to the logo brand in PNG format.brandLogoSvg
by defaultnull
The path to the logo brand in SVG format.codeName
by defaultnull
The name of the code on the back of the card (CVC/CID/CVV/CVN).codeLength
by defaultnull
Expected length of the security code. Usually 3, but for American Express cards 4.numberMask
by defaultnull
Mask for the card number of this brand. Usually the mask is 0000 0000 0000 0000, but some brands of cards have a different length of the card number than 16 characters, and spaces are placed in other places. For example, for American Express cards the mask will be 0000 000000 00000. The characters in the mask can be changed by changing the settings ofmaskDigitSymbol
. Use thenumberMask
property to apply a mask to the card number entry field.numberGaps
by default[4, 8, 12]
An array with numbers that determine the position of spaces when creating a mask.numberLengths
by default[12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
An array with numbers that define the number of characters allowed in the card number.numberNice
Card number, resulted in a beautiful view. The mask is defined by the propertynumberMask
. Example: 4377730000000000 → 4377 7300 0000 0000, 437773 → 4377 73.number
Card number as a string with deleted spaces. If there were any characters in the transmitted card number, except for digits and spaces, there will be an empty string.numberSource
The card number that was sent when the instance was created.options
The settings used to create the instance.
Settings are transferred either when creating a new instance:
var cardInfo = new CardInfo('4377730000000000', {
banksLogosPath: '/my/path/to/banks/logos',
brandsLogosPath: '/my/path/to/brands/logos'
Or, the default settings are set, which will be applied when creating all subsequent instances:
banksLogosPath: '/my/path/to/banks/logos',
brandsLogosPath: '/my/path/to/brands/logos'
by default'/bower_components/card-info/dist/banks-logos/'
The path to files with bank logos.brandsLogosPath
by default'/bower_components/card-info/dist/brands-logos/'
The path to files with brand logos.brandLogoPolicy
by default'auto'
This setting determines the style of the logo brand. Available values are 'black', 'white', 'colored', 'auto', 'mono'.'colored'
The brand logo will be colored'black'
The brand logo will be black'white'
The brand logo will be white'mono'
The brand logo will be white, if the background (backgroundLightness
) is dark ('dark'
) The brand logo will be black if the background (backgroundLightness
) is light ('light'
The logo of the brand will be colored if the style of the bank logo (bankLogoStyle
) is colored ('colored'
) The brand logo will be white if the bank logo style (bankLogoStyle
) is white ('white'
) The brand logo will be black if the bank logo style (bankLogoStyle
) is black ('black'
) The brand logo will be colored if the bank is not defined
by default'svg'
Preferred extension for bank logos and brands. The value can be'png'
by default'0'
A character indicating the number in the mask of the card number specified in the property of the instancenumberMask
by default''
A symbol indicating the delimiter in the mask of the card number specified in the property of thenumberMask
by default135
Degree, under which there is a gradient specified in the property of the instancebackgroundGradient
Once the default settings are set, they will be applied each time the instance is created.
The object with the data for each bank. Keys are short names of banks (bankAlias
- Connect the main file. In this case, you download the entire database of banks.
<script src="/bower_components/card-info/dist/card-info.min.js"></script>
- Connect only the file with the logic, without the database, and the database for your country separately. Bases of banks for each country separately are located in the
<script src="/bower_components/card-info/dist/card-info.core.min.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/card-info/dist/banks-and-prefixes/ru.min.js"></script>
- Connect as a module in your code
const CardInfo = require('card-info')
// or
import CardInfo from 'card-info'
All bank logos in the original size are stored in the folder src/banks-logos
. If you installed CardInfo.js in npm, you will be able to use the command npm run build-banks-logos
. After its call, all logos from the folder src/banks-logos
will be transformed into PNG format, reduced to 600 pixels in width and 200 in height, copied to the folder dist/banks-logos
. To change the settings for slicing logos, pass the settings when calling the command like this: npm run build-banks-logos -- -w 1000 -h 300
-w | --width
by default600
Width in pixels to which the image will be reduced/enlarged-h | --height
by default200
Height in pixels to which the image will be reduced/enlarged-n | --enlargement
is disabled by default If the image is smaller in width or height than the values transferred in the settings, the picture will not be enlarged. However, if you transfer this option, the picture will be forced.-e | --embed
is disabled by default The image decreases/increases in proportion to its original size. So, for example, a picture of 600 × 200, when cutting with the options-w 200 -h 100
becomes 200×50. However, if you pass this option, the picture will become 200×100, and the empty space will be taken by a transparent area.
All the information above also applies to brand logos. The command: npm run build-brands-logos
. Source folder: src/brands-logos
. The destination folder is dist/brands-logos
. The default height is 60 pixels, and the width is not specified.
The code is checked and works in all browsers, including Internet Explorer 6. To run the tests, run the command npm test
or open the file test/browser/main.html
in the browser.
Thanks to BIN Codes for the current database of prefixes for all banks.
Thanks to Stuart Colville for brand logos.
Thanks to Evgeny Katyshev for the logo of the MIR payment system.
Help correct errors in the documentation, please.