YAML Dev Kit - Resources for YAML Framework Developers
This is a set of resources that developers can refer to when developing software for YAML. It is intended to be used along with the YAML specification.
The kit includes:
- Implementation Guides
A set of documents that cover all the known topics a YAML developer might need to deal with.
- Comprehensive Test Suite
This is a data driven suite that is intended to cover every known situation of YAML processing.
- Interactive YAML Testing Tool
A commandline tool that you can use to test out all the known YAML implementations.
So far there is:
This test suite is composed of (what will eventually be) 100s of test directories that each represent a specific situation for a YAML processor. Each test directory contains a number of related files, that test suites can be made to use in interesting ways. For example:
Metadata about the test
Name (short phrase)
Input YAML
Canonical Output YAML
Matching JSON
Token stream notation
Event stream notation
Error data
Not every test dir will have the same elements. Since the tests are just data, it is up to the framework using the tests to decide which tests to use and how to use them.
The tests are currently written in TestML under the test
directory on the master
branch. The test data is split into the separate files structure, and kept on the data
branch. This makes tests easier to groom.
Work has begun to create a Docker container image that has all known YAML implementations and tools pre-installed and that exposes a CLI to interact with it in interesting ways:
alias yt='docker run -it ingy/yt'
cat file.yaml | yt --ruby --json # Load YAML with Ruby and dump as JSON
cat file.yaml | yt --python --event # Show PyYAML event stream
yt --shell --perl --yamlxs # Start a YAML Shell using Perl's YAML::XS