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icss ontology in depth

Philip (flip) Kromer edited this page May 16, 2012 · 2 revisions

icss -- technical details of ontology

Types, Properties and Individuals

There are things in the world that we know as "restaurants" -- for example, in Austin you can't to better than "Torchy's Tacos". It, like all restaurants, have some notion of a "name" and a "menu".

  • "Restaurant" is a type: a group sharing common properties.
  • "Torchy's Tacos" is an individual.
  • "name" and "menu" are properties of a type.
  • An individual has values for those properties: the restaurant "Torchy's Taco's" has a menu which includes the "Dirty Sanchez" (no, really.)

In ruby, we might represent this as follows (greatly simplified):

    class Restaurant
      field :name, String
      field :menu, Array, :items => String
      field :geo,  GeoCoordinates
    yum = Restaurant.receive({
      :name => "Torchy's Taco's",
      :menu => ["Dirty Sanchez", "Fried Avocado"] ,
      :geo  => { :longitude => 30.295, :latitude => -97.745 },
      })          # "Torchy's Taco's"
    yum.geo.latitude  # -97.745
  • The type is implemented with the class Restaurant.
  • Its properties are described as fields, each with its own type.
  • An individual is represented by an instance of that class.

Probably most of this was boring and/or familiar. To clear the rest of the straightforward stuff out of the way,

  • A "Restaurant" is a specialization of a "Place": it has a "geo" property, just as "Bowling Alley" and "Mountain" do. We'll represent that as straightforward inheritance: Restaurant is a subclass of Place.
  • A "Place" is itself a specialization of "Tangible Things", for which we will use the ruby class Thing.
  • A "Restaurant" is actually also a "Business", itself also a specialization of "Thing". Using a trick you'll hear more about below, we can actually handle this easily using module inclusion (include).

So this gives us (still simplified, but less so):

    class Thing
      field :name, String

    class Place < Thing
      field :geo,  GeoCoordinates

    class Business < Thing
      field :opening_hours, Duration

    class Restaurant < Place
      include Meta::BusinessType
      field :menu, Array, :items => String

    class Mountain < Place
      field :height_of_peak, Integer, :doc => "In meters"

    yum = Restaurant.receive({
      :name => "Torchy's Taco's",
      :menu => ["Dirty Sanchez", "Fried Avocado"] ,
      :geo  => { :longitude => 30.295, :latitude => -97.745 },
      })          # "Torchy's Taco's"
    yum.geo.latitude  # -97.745


Including Gorillib::Model gives you these superpowers:

  • .field -- create accessors and receivers for a property
  • .fields and .field_names -- describe the fields. (field names is guaranteed in order.)
  • .receive -- create an instance given a (nested) hash of values; calls in turn .receive on each field's type.

The class and instance behavior of Place (a direct child class of Thing) is effectively (apart from one important detail) as follows:

Behavior        Model               Instance Methods        Type                    Class Methods              
--------------  -----------------   -----------------       ---------------------   ------------------------   
(superclasses)  Object              ...many...                                      ...many...
structure type:                                             Meta::BaseType          .metamodel,.to_schema
                Meta::RecordModel   #receive!               Meta::RecordType        .receive, .field, .fields
parent models:  Thing               #name,#receive_name,&c
model klass:    Place               #geo, #receive_geo,&c

Note carefully the following relationships:

  torchys ={...})

  # true:
  torchys.is_a? Thing
  torchys.is_a? Meta::RecordModel 
  torchys.is_a? Object

  # not true:
  torchys.is_a? Meta::RecordType
  # true:
  Place     < Thing
  Place     < Meta::RecordModel
  Place.is_a? Meta::RecordType


Here's the important detail promised earlier about inheritance. We actually slip in a little overlay module, the metamodel:

Behavior        Model               Instance Methods        Type                    Class Methods              
--------------  -----------------   -----------------       ---------------------   ------------------------   
(superclasses)  Object              ...many...                                      ...many...
structure type:                                             Meta::BaseType          .metamodel,.to_schema
                Meta::RecordModel   #receive!               Meta::RecordType        .receive, .field, .fields
parent models:  Meta::ThingModel    #name,#receive_name,&c
metamodel:      Meta::PlaceModel    #geo, #receive_geo,&c
model klass:    Place                        <--- call super, override things, go crazy --->

This lets us (a) enable multiple inheritance, and (b) let a class declare a field but only override some of its behavior (i.e. still letting you use super).

We scribble all the instance methods for a place onto the Meta::PlaceModel module. When the Place class calls include Meta::PlaceModel, it acquires the prescribed behavior, but can override as required. Furthermore, any other class can accomplish "Placehood" by also includeing the Meta::PlaceModel metamodel.

The infochimps API uses this to good effect, where data sets often introduce behavior across an entire universe of otherwise distinct types. Objects from Twitter would generically be represented as Social::Person (an account), Event::UserTweets (messages), and subclasses of Geo::Place (place checkins). All have implied geolocations, and could naturally coexist on a map. Other data sources imply other attributes: not just foursquare and yelp but also news articles and stock filings. We can inject Twitter geolocation information without subclassing everything in sight (RestaurantOnTwitterThatIsAlsoABranchOfAPubliclyTradedCompany) or requiring the prolix madness of an RDF graph (<> <> 34^^<>)

Model vs Type vs Schema

Now we want a way to programmatically describe and generate types. If we're not careful, we'll end up going mad discussing how to type up the typical type of type Type properly having property schema of type RecordSchema, or (even worse) wind up in the omphaloskeptic realm of Semantic Web Ontologies. Eff that -- this is called the Infochimps Stupid Schema, precisely to remind you it's just a data model, we should really just relax.

However, if you must spend some time to understand how a small amount of clever enables that greater and more productive recklessness, a certain measure of careful terminology is required.

The regular kind of type we've been discussing is a Model -- its individuals correspond to things in the real world. A Thing is a model, and most things are Things. Integer and IsFriendOf (a kind of Relation) are both models but not Things. Recapping what you know,

  • instances of a model represent individuals;
  • instance methods of a model characterize a type's behavior, specifically
  • fields, which represent properties and accept values describing the individual.

We also want to be able to discuss properties and impart shared behavior among types themselves. For example,

  • a Restaurant place, a WeatherObservation statistical summary, and a IsFriendOf relation are quite different at the model level -- they represent respectively a tangible Thing, an intangible Thing and a non-Thing. But all of them are structured records, with fields an so on.

  • A FilePath, a RawJsonBlob and a Url are all represented as simple strings, but each has a distinct semantic meaning, and each implies rules that would allow a computer to validate an instance's contents look right.

  • We of course use Array to hold collections of items, and Hash to hold labelled collections of items. Wherever possible, we'd like to specify "Array of MusicAlbum" and so forth.

Let us now introduce the Schema, which characterizes commonalities among Model types.

<"Torchy's" instance>    manufactured by Restaurant
<"Torchy's">.menu()      instance methods from Restaurant

                         <Restaurant class>                 described by RecordSchema
                         <Restaurant>.field_names           class methods from RecordSchema

A person who find this sort of thing elegant might point out that the properties of a Schema describe specifics of a model; given values characterizing those specifics, the Schema manufactures an individual Model. That is: a Schema is a type for individual Types.

But if you're like me you're better off just remembering

Schema == classes and class methods for a type; Model == instances and instance methods for a type.

In implementation land, a Schema is a class, with a distinct existence from its type. If you're working with types on their own, you want schema objects;

(In fact, you may discover to your horror that a Schema is itself a RecordType: it's turtles all the way down.)

Structured Schema (Array, Map, Enum, Fixed)


The schema prescribes the class of items the Array should hold: for example, an album's tracks property is an array of MusicRecordings.

Behavior        Model               Instance Methods        Type                    Class Methods              
--------------  -----------------   -----------------       ---------------------   ------------------------   
(superclasses)  Object,Array        ...many...                                      ...many...
structure type:                                             Meta::BaseType          .metamodel,.to_schema
                                                            Meta::ArrayType         .receive
metamodel:      --                                          
model klass:    ArrayOfInt                                  (directly on class)     .items

Schema: class Meta::ArraySchema

For a record model, an individual schema typically doesn't have much to say about the model class itself. Since models are usually real-world objects we'd like to handle generically, we focus our interest on fields and instance methods. An Array is something whose individuals should be completely generic: we care about all the interesting things in a list, not the bag that holds them. The schema for an array (as well as for Hash, Fixed and Enum) prescribes information about the type not the model

Now after I just sold you on the virtues of a metamodel in the case of a record, you might expect an analogous module to extend the class. There's no practical benefit or need for this, though, so we currently just scribble the .items class method directly onto the class.


Behavior        Model               Instance Methods        Type                  Class Methods              
--------------  -----------------   -----------------       ---------------------   ------------------------   
(superclasses)  Object,Hash         ...many...                                      ...many...
structure type:                                             Meta::BaseType          .metamodel,.to_schema
                                                            Meta::HashType          .receive
metamodel:      --                                          
model klass:    HashOfYourMom                               (directly on class)     .values  


Behavior        Model               Instance Methods        Type                    Class Methods              
--------------  -----------------   -----------------       ---------------------   ------------------------   
(superclasses)  Object,String       ...many...                                      ...many...
structure type:                                             Meta::BaseType          .metamodel,.to_schema
                                                            Meta::FixedType         .receive
metamodel:      --                                          
model klass:    Fixed16                                     (directly on class)     .bytesize


Behavior        Model               Instance Methods        Type                  Class Methods              
--------------  -----------------   -----------------       ---------------------   ------------------------   
(superclasses)  Object,String       ...many...                                      ...many...
structure type:                                             Meta::BaseType          .metamodel,.to_schema
                                                            Meta::EnumType          .receive
metamodel:      --                                          
model klass:    CountryCode                                 (directly on class)     .symbols 
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