Base framework for Flutter Apps with intense networking and data interactivity. Adhara provides a seamless offline experience with much ease.
What adhara brings to the plate?
- Easy SQLite management - ORM, using DataInterfaces
- Easy network setup with the help of network middlewares
- Manage data using Data Beans in a well structured format. No more worries about runtime errors or key changes in JSON.
- Event Handlers: Listen to events across the widgets. An event can be triggered in one dart file and can be listened in any of stateful widgets*
- Internationalization - Manual i18N based on selected language.
- Easy routing: Simplified Regex based URL routing like in a web application
- Easy Sentry Logger in production with one DSN configuration
- Properties file parser, JSON file reader, running modes and many more...
*stateful widget is overridden by adhara and is called AdharaStatefulWidget, and has a state named AdharaState
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