This container is no longer required for rancher versions 1.2 and upwards. Rancher no longer uses cadvisor within it's agent service. In order to get this detail, users can schedule their own cadvisor containers instead.
Simple haproxy (1.6) implementation for exposing rancher's implementation of cadvisor stats to an external endpoint. Useful for tools such as prometheus to monitor rancher managed hosts.
This container is designed to run on each of your rancher managed hosts, it forwards requests recieved on port 9104 to port 9344 on the internal loopback address..
Below and included, is a docker compose file to run this up in your environment, they key thing to consider running this is that it requires the container to be running in HOST
networking mode.
- 9104:9104/tcp
labels: 'true'
io.rancher.container.hostname_override: container_name
tty: true
image: rucknar/ranch-eye:latest
stdin_open: true
net: host
The ranch-eye container can be found on the docker hub here The catalog entry is in the community catalog, available here Additional information can be found on the guide