Developed in order to repolish my C++ skills and as my first C++ repository. Have had many memories playing blackjack while being drunk with flatmates during the first year of uni.
You should have Git installed and use the following commands in your terminal in your preferred directory
$ git clone
$ cd Blackjack_CPP
else you can download a ZIP.
There are four options available ordered by recommendation. You should compile the program in the build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. # generates build configuration (Makefile)
$ cmake --build . # or `make` to build the executable
$ ./blackjack # viola!
$ meson .. # generates build configuration (ninja)
$ ninja # builds the executable
$ ./blackjack # viola!
$ cd .. # if you are in the build directory
$ make # builds executable based on Makefile
$ ./blackjack # viola!
$ cd .. # if you are in the build directory
$ g++ src/blackjack.cpp src/card.cpp src/dealer.cpp src/deck.cpp src/game.cpp src/human.cpp src/player.cpp src/print.cpp src/statistics.cpp -o blackjack
$ ./blackjack # viola!
Any kind of contributions / improvements are greatly appreciated!
- To report any bug, raise an issue.
- To make changes to this repository, create a pull request.
All contributors will be thanked and named in the README. 😄