This repository contains the source code for all Elastic connectors, developed by the Search team at Elastic. Use connectors to sync data from popular data sources to Elasticsearch.
These connectors are available as:
- Connector clients to be self-managed on your own infrastructure
- Native connectors using our fully managed service on Elastic Cloud
ℹ️ For an overview of the steps involved in deploying connector clients refer to Connector clients in the official Elastic documentation.
To get started quickly with self-managed connectors using Docker Compose, check out this README file.
The main documentation for using connectors lives in the Search solution's docs. Here are the main pages:
You'll also find the individual references for each connector there. For everything to do with developing connectors, you'll find that here in this repo.
Since 8.12.0, you can manage connectors and sync jobs programmatically using APIs. Refer to the Connector API documentation in the Elasticsearch docs.
Learn about our CLI tool in docs/
In addition to the source code for individual connectors, this repo also contains the connector service code, which is used for tasks like running connectors, and managing scheduling, syncs, and cleanup. This is shared code that is not used by individual connectors, but helps to coordinate and run a deployed instance/process.
This repo is also the home of the Elastic connector framework. This framework enables developers to build Elastic-supported connector clients. The framework implements common functionalities out of the box, so developers can focus on the logic specific to integrating their chosen data source.
The framework ensures compatibility, makes it easier for our team to review PRs, and help out in the development process. When you build using our framework, we provide a pathway for the connector to be officially supported by Elastic.
This repo provides a set of scripts to allow a user to set up a full Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Connectors service stack using Docker. This is useful to get up and running with the Connectors framework with minimal effort, and provides a guided set of prompts for setup and configuration. For more information, instructions, and options, see the README file in the stack folder.
The framework serves two distinct, but related use cases:
- Customizing an existing Elastic connector client
- Building a new connector client