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Camera Support

Colorado Four Wheeler edited this page Mar 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

Camera Support in HomeKit

HomeKit Bridge does allow you to set up cameras for use in HomeKit! Currently the only support is if you are using the SecuritySpy plugin, but this will expand as this feature matures.

How It Works

Adding a camera to your HomeKit Bridge Accessory Server is just like adding any other device, except you select the Camera RTP Stream Management HomeKit type. When you select a supported plugin device (i.e., SecuritySpy camera device) then this is all you need to do for it to be accessible to HomeKit. No further configuration is needed.

The Other Option

There's another option you can get to via the device lookup filter that will give a warning window and a bunch of fields, DO NOT USE THIS because that's an ongoing development project that may or may not make it to the final product.

Adding to HomeKit

Cameras do not automatically appear in your HomeKit app. Each camera will appear as a separate accessory, just like a HomeKit Bridge Accessory Server does. You'll follow the same steps to add the accessory and use the same code to enable it.

Additional Functions And Recommendations

You can also use your plugin camera devices for other functions, such as enabling recording, changing position and motion detection, you simply need to use one of those HomeKit device types when selecting your supported camera device.

Because HomeKit Bridge doesn't currently permit you to have multiple copies of the same device I recommend you create multiple servers to handle unique functions. For example, a "Camera Server" for your camera functions, a "Motion Sensor" server so you can use your camera devices as motion sensors and so forth. Eventually this will not be needed but for now it is if you want to use your devices for multiple functions.