Antiquity - A versioned graph.
Antiquity is a Blueprints extension that enhances any Blueprints graph with full versioning and history support, This can work with any underline graph DB that Blueprints supports such as Neo4j, OrientDB, Titan, etc...
Creating a versioned graph basically cosntructed from two main items:
- The underline blueprint graph implementation.
- The versioned graph that wraps the underline graph.
TinkerGraph graph = new TinkerGraph();
Configuration conf = new Configuration.ConfBuilder().build();
ActiveVersionedGraph<TinkerGraph, Long> vg = new ActiveVersionedGraph.ActiveVersionedNonTransactionalGraphBuilder<TinkerGraph, Long>(
graph, new LongGraphIdentifierBehavior()).init(true).conf(conf).build();
//Do something with vg (versioned graph) here (read blow)
Here is an example how to create a vertex with few updates where each update is stored as a version.
Vertex v = vg.addVertex("item1");
v.setProperty("key", "foo");
long verFoo = vg.getLatestGraphVersion();
v.setProperty("key", "bar");
long verBar = vg.getLatestGraphVersion();
//Working with vg is just like working with the graph itself, it only contains the latest data.
System.out.println(vg.getVertex("item1").getProperty("key")); //prints bar
//You can query how a vertex looked like in previous states by using the historic graph API
Vertex item1InVer1 = vg.getHistoricGraph().getVertexForVersion(v.getId(), verFoo);
System.out.println(item1InVer1.getProperty("key")); //prints foo
Vertex item1InVer2 = vg.getHistoricGraph().getVertexForVersion(v.getId(), verBar);
System.out.println(item1InVer2.getProperty("key")); //prints bar