This Library contains the business logic used by the React components of the Incyclist Indoor Cycling App.
Incyclist uses React to render the App Front-End for PC platforms ( Windows, Mac. Linux). It is planned that in the future, React Native will be used to render the Front-Ends for other platforms ( Android, IOS, AppleTV,...)
All Services will be accessed by the Front-End using
import {useXXX, initXXX} from {incyclist-devices}
- useXXX can be used to consume a Service (e.g.
) - initXXX can be used to perform a lazy initialization of the Service (e.g.
where XXX represents the Service name
The following Services are currently implemented in this library:
- UserSettings: manages the user settings
- DeviceConfiguration: manages the user configuration of scanned/added/selected devices
- DeviceAccess: manages the basic communication to the device (setting up interfacs, scanning,... )
- Device: allows the Front-End to communicate with a device (reading, writing data)
- DevicePairing: implements the business logic og the DevicePairing screens