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Pull Requests

Jason Adams edited this page Mar 12, 2019 · 6 revisions

What is a Pull Request?

A pull request indicates that a code merge is being proposed. At this point, others can review the proposed code, discuss different solutions, and add additional changes.

Ingredients of a Good Pull Request

A good pull request:

  1. Satisfies all of the acceptance criteria within the issue.
  2. Serves a singular purpose related to one issue, not many.
  3. Includes relevant screenshots, GIFs, or video to assist the reviewer.
  4. Uses @ mentions to tag team members on specific parts which may need special attention.

Pull Request Title

<issue title> #<issue number>

Each pull request title should include the issue title followed by the issue number.

Tip: When you view an individual GitHub issue, it displays the issue title followed by the issue number at the top of the page, so it can simply be copied and pasted as the pull request title.

Pull Request Title Example

Given an issue number 123 and issue title fix: improve vertical rhythm, the relevant pull request should be named:

fix: improve vertical rhythm #123


Pull requests are generated from the comparison of two branches.

Assigned Issues

For pull requests that correspond to an issue, the branch should follow the issue/<issue number> naming convention. So if the issue is 123 the pull request branch would be issue/123. The branch to compare against is derived from the issue's assigned release. If the release is 1.3.0, then compare against the release/1.3.0 branch to generate the pull request. If no such branch exists or a release isn't assigned to the issue, reach out to a senior developer.

Hot Fixes

If a pull request is being quickly made to fix an urgent problem, the convention is hotfix/brief-problem-title. Ask a senior developer which release branch this should be compared against to generate the pull request.

Once the pull request is merged, the development branch will be deleted.


  1. Begin each pull request title with the relevant issue's title.
  2. End each pull request title with the issue number.


  1. Do not make up a new title for the pull request. Use the same title text as the issue.

Roles & Capabilities

  • Support/Marketing/Community
    • Submit PR
  • Development
    • Submit PR
    • Code review
  • Senior Development
    • Submit PR
    • Code review
    • Merge PR