Releases: imperavi/superkube
Add: Prose module.
Improve: All font-size values have been replaced by type-scale variables.
Improve: Make semibold weight 500 by default.
Improve: Rename colors with -medium suffix to -mid for consistency. This affected such modules: border, text, divider, link, heading.
Improve: Form.item module
Improve: Text scale: tiny scale = micro, atomic is deprecated
Improve: Heading scale. Now less values, because we're kind of overdoing it.
- Improve input module
- Improve button module
- Improve width of base container
- Improve default color of some modules
- Improve pagination addon
- Improve input number addon
- Improve divider module
- Add image size
- Add list strong and semibold variants
- Add hint light variant
- Add form label light variant
- Add code light variant
- Add quote light variant
- Add breadcrumb light variant
In the new version, we've improved every module and done a lot of work to ensure everything inside the Superkube is well-organized, consistent, and as reliable as possible.
So every module and almost every detail has been improved. But in general, the framework is compatible with the previous major version, except for renaming some modifiers of modules and utilities such as border, radius, shadow, etc.
So, finally, by the third version, we managed to make an almost perfect SCSS/HTML framework, most likely the best in the world today. There is a lot of work ahead to create examples and all sorts of other valuable things with explanation and demonstration of all the power of Superkube.