An AI model used to generate the lyrics for a set of words given as the input, using LSTM and NLP on Tensorflow framework.
Here's Medium blog for a detailed explaination: Lyrics-Inducer-Medium
- tensorflow: As the framework and to provide the essentials of Keras.
- numpy: Array-processing package.
- pandas: For importing data of various file formats.
- matplotlib: Visualization package.
- LSTM: Neural Network for model sequencing.
The dataset is a self arranged dataset in (.txt) format, framed by gathering and consolidating the lyrics.
Songs included:
- bad guy - the box - shape of you - all of me - failing - mine bazzi - heavy - hot girl bummer - the take - myself - skechers - do re mi - moonlight - blinding lights - goosebumps - chal-bombay - rockstar - starboy - cradles - roxanne.
-index.html: contains the html + css code. application root file to call model and run flask.
-dataset.txt: dataset used.
-model.h5: keras converted trained model.
-Prockfile: for heroku deployment.
-requirement.txt: contains required libraries.
- install flask
pip instal flask
- clone the repo:
- go to the app directoy in terminal:
cd Lyrics-Inducer/AI_App
- launch the server
- in the browser run
Lyrics-Inducer using NLP and LSTM, the model is more like predicting the NEXT WORD according to previous set of words, hence not much accurate for predicting longer sentences, do try it. There are plenty of applications possible using the LSTM and NLP, do try.