Navigation bar component for react native
Example: Github repo of this app
Download from npm
npm i react-native-navbar-wrapper
Example Use:-
import NavbarWrapper from 'react-native-navbar-wrapper';
Inside render function
hasBack={true} // true or false
show={true} // true or false
title={"App title "}
closeMenu = {this.closeMenu}
initialRoute={{name:'PageOne', title:'Page One'}}
setNavigator={ this._setNavigator} //use this function if you want to get navigator reference
menuItemSelected = {this._menuItemSelected}
isMenuOpen = {true} // true or false
backIcon = {backIcon} // left button icon
menuIcon = {menuIcon} // right button icon
menuItems = {["button1" , "button2" , "button3"]} // buttons in menu
sceneStyle={{}} // style
#Required Properties:- #
renderScene function, something like->
renderScene = (route, navigator) =>{ switch( { case "pageOne": return (); case "pageTwo": return (); } };#
configureScene function , example
configureScene = () => { return Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromRight; }; #initialRoute
initialRoute, example
initialRoute = {name: 'pageOne'} #sceneStyle
scene style, eg:
sceneStyle={{flex:1, backgroundColor:'white'}}#Optional Properties:-
True to enable back button otherwise false
Handler function for back button clicked
setNavigator function , use this as callback function to set navigator reference for example:
_setNavigator = (nav) =>{ this.navigator = nav; };style for navigation bar can be passed through this property
navbarStyle : {{}}
Use this to change statusBar color in Android
statusBarColor : 'cyan'
Use this to change status bar style in iOS , Check possible values in official react native doc
statusBarStyle ={"light-content"}
Menu in right side is optional to set menuIcon pass reference of image in this parameter
menuIcon = {menuIconRef}
List of action button in menu
menuItems = {["button1" , "button2" , "button3"]}