CSSharpUtils is an extension library for CounterStrikeSharp that simplifies player management, message formatting, configuration updates, and more. It provides a set of extensions and utilities to enhance the development experience for CounterStrikeSharp game mods.
Run dotnet add package CSSharpUtils
or download the latest release from the releases page and add it as a reference to your project.
- Config: Simplifies the process of updating and managing plugin configurations by automatically handling version updates and serialization.
- Player: Offers methods for common player actions such as kicking, moving to a team, setting armor, and getting the eye position.
- GameRules: Enhances game rule interactions, including calculating the remaining time in the current round.
- Chat: Provides methods for formatting chat messages with predefined color codes and sending messages to specific teams.
- CsTeam: Utilities for team management, including counting players, alive players, combined health, and selecting random teams.
- Game: Contains methods for managing game states such as starting and ending warmup, pausing, and unpausing matches, and retrieving game rules.
- Server: Utilities for retrieving server information such as the IP.
using CSSharpUtils.Extensions;
// updates the config file on disk, backup = true creates a backup, checkVersion = true stops overwriting if configs are the same version
config.Update(backup: true, checkVersion: true);
// reloads the config file from disk
OnConfigParsed(new MyPluginConfig().Reload());
// get the plugin config path
Console.WriteLine($"Config path: {new MyPluginConfig().ConfigPath()}");
using CSSharpUtils.Extensions;
// this is true for connected, valid, human players
if (!playerController.IsPlayer())
// name and clan tag
playerController.SetClantag(); // removes the clantag
// setting armor + helmet, not heavy
playerController.SetArmor(100, true, false);
// setting health
playerController.SetHealth(69); // sets health to 69
playerController.SetHealth(420); // sets health to 420
playerController.SetHealth(1337, false); // sets health to 100 (clamped)
// setting money
// checking for permission
// freeze and unfreeze the player
// NOTE: CS2 does not display the kick message to the player
playerController.Kick("You have been kicked.");
var EyePos = playerController.GetEyePosition();
using CSSharpUtils.Utils;
using CSSharpUtils.Extensions;
var gameRules = GameUtils.GetGameRules(); // this should be cached appropriately
var remainingRoundTime = gameRules.GetRemainingRoundTime();
using CSSharpUtils.Utils;
var message = "Hello {LightBlue}World."
player.PrintToChat(ChatUtils.FormatMessage(message)); // will print "Hello World" as a colored message
player.PrintToChat(ChatUtils.CleanMessage(message)); // will print "Hello World" in full white
// Send a message to all players in the Terrorist team
ChatUtils.PrintToTeam(CsTeam.Terrorist, "This message is for Terrorists only.");
// Send a message to all players
ChatUtils.PrintToAll("This message is for all players.")
using CSSharpUtils.Utils;
// Get the number of alive players in the Counter-Terrorist team
int aliveCTs = CsTeamUtils.GetAlivePlayerCount(CsTeam.CounterTerrorist);
Console.WriteLine($"Alive Counter-Terrorists: {aliveCTs}");
// Select a random team
CsTeam randomTeam = CsTeamUtils.GetRandomTeam();
Console.WriteLine($"Randomly selected team: {randomTeam}");
using CSSharpUtils.Utils;
// Start a warmup period of 30 seconds
// End the warmup
GameUtils.EndWarmup(10); // in 10 seconds
GameUtils.EndWarmup(); // immediately
// Pause the match
// Unpause the match
// Retrieve the current game rules
var gameRules = GameUtils.GetGameRules();
if (gameRules != null)
Console.WriteLine("Game rules retrieved.");
Console.WriteLine("Failed to retrieve game rules.");
using CSSharpUtils.Utils;
Console.WriteLine($"Server IP: {ServerUtils.GetServerIp()}");