Yet another(?) macOS-like theme for Linux, osXFCE uses arc-flatabulous as its base, but is deeply customized for use with vala-panel-appmenu and XFCE.
Features include:
- Boldface Application dropdown menu
- Window controls that are closer to one-another
- A subtle gradient on gtk title and headerbars
- Rounded corners on bottom of menu (requires a capable window manager for optimal display)
- A corresponding Plank theme that more closely resembles the macOS Sierra dock
git clone ~/
cp -r ~/osXFCE ~/.themes/osXFCE
To install the plank theme, copy plank/flatabOSX-Theme
to your .local/share/plank/themes
- Is it possible to round the top corners of submenus in the global menu while leaving the parent menus without rounded top corners?
- Is it possible to round the top corners of dropdown menus outside of the global menu without affecting the global menus?
- I can't seem to get opacity to work on menus -- am I doing something wrong or is this WM-specific?
- Rounded corner masking is a little more artifacty than I'd like: works fine on the top corners of windows, but the bottom corners of menus against lighter backgrounds looks a bit weird.
Development is most likely somewhat slow since I am learning GTK theme development as I go, with a lot of trial and error. If you want to help, please submit a pull request!