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Releases: imaNNeo/fl_chart


03 Mar 22:51
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19 Feb 20:14
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  • [BREAKING] We have migrated our project to null-safety. You may need to change your source-code to compile. check migration guide.
  • [BREAKING] You cannot set null value on FlSpot anymore (use FlSpot.nullSpot instead).


17 Feb 19:20
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  • [Bugfix] Fixed PieChart exception bug on sections tap, #514.
  • [Bugfix] Fixed PieChart badges problem, #538.
  • [Bugfix] Fixed Bug of drawing lines with strokeWidth zero, #558.
  • [Improvement] Updated example app to support web.
  • [Improvement] Show tooltips on mouse hover on Web, and Desktop.


24 Dec 21:17
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  • [Bugfix] Fixed PieChart badges draw in first frame problem, #513.
  • [Improvement] Use CanvasWrapper to proxy draw functions (It does not have any effect on the result, it makes the code testable)


11 Dec 11:38
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  • [Bugfix] Fixed PieChart badges bug with re-implementing the solution, #507
  • [Bugfix] Fix the setState issue using PieChart in the ListView, #467
  • [Bugfix] Fixed formatNumber bug for negative numbers, #486.
  • [Improvement] Added applyCutOffY property in BarAreaSpotsLine to inherit cutOffY property of its parent, #478.


06 Oct 18:50
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  • [Improvement] [BREAKING] Replaced color property with colors in BarChartRodData, and BackgroundBarChartRodData to support gradient in BarChart, instead of solid color, #166. Check BarChartSample3
  • [Improvement] Improved gradient stops calculating algorithm.
  • [Improvement] [BREAKING] Changed SideTitle's textStyle property to getTextStyles getter (it gives you the axis value, and you must return a TextStyle based on it), It helps you to have a different style for specific text, #439. Check it here LineChartSample3
  • [Improvement] Added badgeWidget, and badgePositionPercentageOffset in each PieChartSectionData to provide a widget to show in the chart, see this sample, #443. Providing a widget is an important step in our library, if it works perfectly, we will aplly this solution on other parts. Then I appreciate any feedback.
  • [Bugfix] Fixed aboveBarArea flickers after setState, #440.


29 Aug 22:22
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  • [Bugfix] Fixed drawing BarChart rods with providing minY (for positive), maxY (for negative) values bug, #404.
  • [Bugfix] Fixed example app build fail error, by upgrading flutter_svg package to 0.18.1


26 Jul 21:54
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29 Jun 20:47
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  • [Improvement] Show barGroups x value instead of index in bottom titles, #342.
  • [Improvement] [BREAKING] Use double.infinity instead of double.nan for letting enterSpaceRadius be as large as possible in the (PieChartData)[], #377.
  • [Bugfix] Fixed PieChart bug with 1 section, #368.


02 Jun 18:53
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  • [Improvement] Auto calculate interval in SideTitles and FlGridData, instead of hard coding 1, to prevent some performance issues like #101, #322. see BarChartSample4.
  • [Bugfix] drawing dot on null spots
  • [Bugfix] Fixed LineChart have multiple NULL spot bug.
  • [Feature] added checkToShowTitle property to the SideTitles, for checking show or not show titles in the provided value, #331. see LineChartSample8.
  • [Feature] Added compatibily to have customized shapes for FlDotData, just override FlDotData.etDotPainter and pass your own painter or use built-in ones, see this sample.
  • [Improvement] [BREAKING] Replaced clipToBorder with clipData in LineChartData to support clipping 4 sides of a chart separately.