Vocabulary Builder is a web application designed to help you expand your English vocabulary effortlessly.
- Random Word Generator: Discover new words with their translations and usage examples.
- Favorite Words: Save words that you want to revisit.
- Multilingual Support: The application supports multiple languages, making it easier to learn from your native language.
1. Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:ilystsov/vocabulary-builder.git
2. Run the application:
Make sure Docker is installed and running, then use make to start the application:
make run
3. Access the site:
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll experience:
For detailed technical documentation, please visit the Vocabulary Builder Documentation.
- FastAPI for building the backend
- PostgreSQL for database management
- Docker for containerization
- SQLAlchemy for ORM
- Alembic for database migrations
- Jinja2 for templating
- Babel for internationalization