Igdbclient is a Kotlin Multiplatform library for fetching information about games from the IGDB.com Video Game Database.
- Can be used with Ktor or Okhttp as an HTTP client
- Implementation of the IGDB v4 API protocol using POST requests and Protobuf as the data encoding format
- Support for Twitch Oauth 2 authentication
- Multi-queries and count-requests
- Configurable automatic retry on HTTP
429 Too Many Requests
error - Helpers for building image URLs using a specified pixel density
- Support for Webhook API
- Android, iOS, Desktop and JavaScript targets
The latest release is available on Maven Central.
repositories {
Dependency when using Кtor client (supported on all targets):
dependencies {
In Kotlin Multiplatform projects, this dependency can be added to the commonMain sourceSet:
commonMain {
dependencies {
Dependency when using Okhttp (JVM and Android):
dependencies {
Create a client to access the API:
val client = IgdbClient(IgdbKtorEngine) {
This client is ready to be used to make network requests to the IGDB server. For example, this is a request to fetch games:
val games: GameResult = client.getGames {
log.i("games: $games")
Each IGDB API endpoint has a public method defined in the client to fetch data. All the client methods are suspend functions and should be called from the coroutine context.
client.getAgeRatings {…}
client.getAgeRatingContentDescriptions {…}
client.getAlternativeNames {…}
client.getThemes {…}
client.getWebsites {…}
Apicalypse query with all the fields:
apicalypseQuery {
fields(Game.field.id, Game.field.name, Game.field.genres.name)
where("rating >= 80 & release_dates.date > 631152000")
sort("release_dates.date", DESC)
Example of count — query:
val diabloGamesCount = client.executeOrThrow(
apicalypseQuery {
log.i { "games count: $diabloGamesCount" }
To make multiple queries in a single request, you can use the client.multiquery()
val response = client.multiquery {
query(IgdbEndpoint.PLATFORM.countEndpoint(), "Count of Platforms") {}
query(IgdbEndpoint.GAME, "Playstation Games") {
fields(Game.field.name, Game.field.category, Game.field.platforms.name)
val platformCount = response[0].count
val games = response[1].results as List<Game>?
See https://api-docs.igdb.com/#multi-query for additional info.
Requesting gaming events:
val events = client.getEvents {
logger.i { "events: $events" }
Pass IgdbKtorEngine
as the first argument to IgdbClient()
when using the Ktor client.
You can pass your own customized Ktor client that will be used to make requests in the httpClient block.
val ktorHttpClient: HttpClient = HttpClient(Java) {
developmentMode = true
install(Logging) {
level = LogLevel.ALL
val client = IgdbClient(IgdbKtorEngine) {
httpClient {
httpClient = ktorHttpClient
backgroundDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO
Pass IgdbOkhttpEngine
to IgdbClient()
when using the Okhttp client.
A pre-configured client can be specified using the callFactory parameter of the httpClient configuration block:
val okhttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder().apply {
maxIdleConnections = 8,
keepAliveDuration = 2000,
timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
Dispatcher().apply {
maxRequestsPerHost = 8
val client = IgdbClient(IgdbOkhttpEngine) {
httpClient {
callFactory = okhttpClient
backgroundDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO
IGDB API does not support making client-to-server requests directly from the mobile and web applications.
As a workaround, it is proposed to set up a proxy server that makes requests in server-to-server mode.
IGDB suggests free AWS CloudFormation template as one of the implementations of
such a server.
You can set the base URL of the server using the baseUrl
parameter, and use the headers
block to configure custom headers to authenticate to that server:
val client = IgdbClient(IgdbOkhttpEngine) {
baseUrl = "https://<your-api-gateway-unique-id>.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/v4/"
headers {
append("x-api-key", "PROXY_API_KEY")
IGDB API requires authentication using the Twitch OAuth Client Credentials Flow to make server-to-server requests. Additional information can be found on the IGDB documentation page.
You can use the library implementation of the authenticator. To do this, add the twitchAuth configuration block and set the authentication parameters:
val client = IgdbClient(IgdbOkhttpEngine) {
twitchAuth {
clientId = "app’s registered client ID"
clientSecret = "app’s registered client secret."
Alternatively, you can implement authentication yourself and pass the received token in the headers:
val client = IgdbClient(IgdbOkhttpEngine) {
headers {
append("Client-ID", "app's Client ID")
append("Authorization", "Bearer $received_access_token")
The twitchAuth block should not be defined in the configuration in this case.
HTTP User-Agent header can be customized using the userAgent parameter.
The retryPolicy
configuration block is used to set up the request retries on receiving the
429 Too Many Requests
HTTP error (enabled by default).
val client = IgdbClient(IgdbOkhttpEngine) {
userAgent = "game-client"
retryPolicy {
enabled = true
maxRequestRetries = 100
initialDelay = 50.milliseconds
delayRange = Duration.ZERO..2.minutes
jitterFactor = 0.1f
helper function can be used to generate an image URL for a given image type and pixel density according to the documentation https://api-docs.igdb.com/#images.
val url = igdbImageUrl(
imageId = "em1y2ugcwy2myuhvb9db",
imageSize = LOGO_MEDIUM,
imageFormat = IgdbImageFormat.JPEG,
size2x = true,
// url: https://images.igdb.com/igdb/image/upload/t_logo_med_2x/em1y2ugcwy2myuhvb9db.jpg
This library does not require any special R8 rules, but the used HTTP client may need its own rules. Check the setup instructions for your client:
- Okhttp: https://square.github.io/okhttp/features/r8_proguard/
- Ktor: https://ktor.io/docs/client-dependencies.html
Any type of contributions are welcome. Please see the contribution guide.
The following types of contributions are especially welcome:
- Additions and corrections to documentation
- Suggestions for refactoring and improving the API
- New feature proposals (only for this library only, not the parent IGDB API)
This library uses the IGDB but is not endorsed or certified by IGDB.
These services are licensed under Apache 2.0 License.
Authors and contributors are listed in the Authors file.
Copyright 2023-2025 Igdbclient project authors and contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.