A tool for the supervision and management of a server. The tool monitors the proper functioning of apache, and the availability of a web application, it also monitors the use of disk space and notifies the administrator in case of malfunction.
We are using:
CentOS 7 as an OS for dev/prod
Apache Web Server to host apache monitor web application
sh index.sh
sh index.sh -y
- option -y: Automatic yes to prompts; assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively.
The use of disk space ✅
Monitoring of services: apache - tomcat - mysql ✅
Push notifications (SMS) with D7SMS API ✅
Monitoring of the installed web apps (curl) ✅
Dashboard to visualize "CPU/disk space/.." usage
apache-monitor for ubuntu/debian
verfiy if app is down for everyone: using this API
Script Shell
Made with contributors-img.
Check running processes & Push notifications are stop-gap solutions.
Test some features with docker:
docker run -v /path/to/apache-monitor/:/apache-monitor -it --rm --name apache-monitor centos:7
SMS Server Tools 3 - needs a GSM modem
email-to-sms gateway
- Monit - screenshots of the tool