by Oscar Steila IK1XPV
Based on original work:
- Winrad specifications for the external I/O DLL by Alberto di Bene I2PHD
see: Winrad Extio.dll
CIAOradio H101 was one of the firsts Hamradio SDR receiver by Claudio Re I1RFQ and Oscar Steila IK1XPV in 2004.
The ExtIO_H101.dll as been realized to enable the use of many SDR program that uses ExtIO interface with H101 hardware.
ExtIO_H101 early test using:
Copy Extio_H101.dll into the SDR application directory and then select the ExtIO_H101 from the SDR application setup.
ExtIO_H101.dll uses RTaudio library RtAudio: a set of realtime audio i/o C++ classes by Gary P. Scavone
7° Convention Digital & Radio Communications i-LINK Renon 2005 (slides, 2005 - Italian )
Ciao Radio H101 - IK1QLD (2005 - Italian )
Radio & Communication Info: CiaoRadio, la nuova frontiera (provata) (2006 - Italian )
Ham Station IWØHK: Sistel Ciaoradio H101: test-set e ricevitore hf Sdr (2006 - Italian )
FUNKAMATEUR 11/2006: Willkommen: CIAO Radio H101 - ein softwaredefinierter Empfanger (2006 - German)
Alberto di Bene, I2PHD
Claudio Re, I1RFQ
Ivan Guerini, IW2KBK