A curated list of WP-CLI commands crafted by Bake My WP to simplify your website management experience
Discover the power of our robust WP-CLI commands bundled in this compact plugin, each tailored to streamline your website management tasks.
❤️ We highly advise installing this plugin in the 'mu-plugins' folder for optimal performance. Please remember to uninstall it when it's no longer required, as anyone with server access could potentially export your site.
Use this command to create dummy content for your site. It crafts 20 unique posts, blending random titles with iconic James Bond movies, categorizes each post under a famed actor, and adorns them with a standard featured image.
Use this command to create dummy content for your WooCommerce store. It crafts 20 unique products, 15 simple and 5 variable products.
[--post_type=<post_type>] : The post type to delete posts. Defaults to 'post'.
[--permanent] : Whether to permanently delete the posts.
- wp bmwp-delete-posts --post_type=product
- wp bmwp-delete-posts --post_type=product --permanent
Check if the plugins WPForms (both pro and lite), WP Mail SMTP, Perfmatters are installed and activated and update the options based on our settings.
[--dev=<true|false>] : Check if is development mode and hide the site from Seach Engines.
A sequence of operations to optimize your setup:
- Back up the database.
- Rename the default category (automatically bypassed if it's not titled 'Uncategorized').
- Convert HTTP links to HTTPS (coupled with a redis cache flush if alterations occur).
- Adjust the time zone to Europe/Athens.
- Update the site email with our default.
- Check and delete Twenty Twenty-One theme if not active
- Check and delete Twenty Twenty-Two theme if not active
- Check for 'dev' flag and update Search Engine visibility option to block robots from crawling your site.
Enhance your site pre-offload preparations:
- Perform a database backup.
- Audit for certain options and obliterate if detected.
- Deactivate specified plugins.
- Install free versions of plugins.
- Erase the formerly deactivated plugins.
- Ready a database backup for seamless client handoff.
Empower your clients with this command. It meticulously prepares a comprehensive backup, priming the site for a smooth transition to an alternative host.