Pradinis variantas:
Galutinis variantas:
- Aplikacijos atidarymas ir paleidimas
- 1.1 Einame į
- 1.2 Nurodome repozitorijos URL:
- 1.3 Sėkmingai atidarius aplikaciją turėtume matyti pradinį aplikacijos puslapį
Komponento sukūrimas
- 2.1 src -> components -> Create Directory -> “card”. Card direktorijoje sukuriame failus card.js, card.module.scss, index.js
- 2.2
import React from "react"; import MaterialCard from "@material-ui/core/Card"; import CardMedia from "@material-ui/core/CardMedia"; import CardContent from "@material-ui/core/CardContent"; import Typography from "@material-ui/core/Typography"; const Card = () => ( <MaterialCard> <CardMedia image=""/> <CardContent> <Typography gutterBottom variant="h5" component="h2"> Berlin </Typography> <Typography component="p"> Berlin buzzes with an energy unmatched anywhere else in the world. </Typography> </CardContent> </MaterialCard> ); export default Card;
- 2.3 Papildome index.js:
export { default } from './card';
- 2.4 Įtraukiame card komponentą į app.js, o failo viršuje importuojame komponentą:
import Card from "./components/card";
Kad matytume Card komponentą puslapyje, panaudojame šį komponentą app.js render() metodo viduje. Pakeičiame “Welcome...” tekstą į:
<Card />
- 2.5 Stilius galima perkelti į components/card/card.module.scss, o card.js pridedame:
import styles from "./card.module.scss";
Aprašome stilių card.module.scss:
.media { height: 200px; }
CardMedia komponente nurodome parametrą su stiliaus klase -
<CardMedia className={} ... />
2.6 Sukuriame parametrus (props) card komponentui:
const Card=()=>(
const Card = ({ title, description, imageSrc }) => (
Pakeičiame tekstus į kintamuosius {title}, {description}, {imageSrc}:
<MaterialCard> <CardMedia className={} image={imageSrc} /> <CardContent> <Typography gutterBottom variant="h5" component="h2"> {title} </Typography> <Typography component="p">{description}</Typography> </CardContent> </MaterialCard>
<Card title="Berlin" description="Berlin buzzes with an energy unmatched anywhere else in the world." imageSrc="" />
Sąrašas (tweet list)
- 3.1 Sukuriame direktoriją components/tweet-list. Joje sukuriame failus index.js, tweet-list.js, tweet-list.module.scss
- 3.2 Papildome tweet-list.js:
import React from "react"; import Card from "../card"; class TweetList extends React.Component { state = { tweets: [{ imageUrl: "", title: "Berlin", description: "Berlin buzzes with an energy unmatched anywhere else in the world." }] }; renderTweets = () => { const { tweets } = this.state; return tweets ? Object.keys(tweets).map(id => ( <Card key={id} imageSrc={tweets[id].imageUrl} title={tweets[id].title} description={tweets[id].description} /> )) : null; }; render() { return <div>{this.renderTweets()}</div>; } } export default TweetList;
- 3.3 components/tweet-list/index.js:
export { default } from "./tweet-list";
- 3.4 Įtraukiame TweetList komponentą į app.js:
import TweetList from "./components/tweet-list";
render() metodo viduje
<div className={styles.content}> <Card …. /> </div>
<div className={styles.content}> <TweetList /> </div>
- 3.5 Pridedame stilius tweet-list.module.scss:
.cardGrid { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: center; }
import styles from "./tweet-list.module.scss"
tweet-list.js nurodome klasę render() metodo div elementui:
.card { position: relative; display: flex; flex-direction: column; width: 300px; margin: 10px; }
Card.js faile, MaterialCard elementui nurodome klasę:
Paėmimas iš DB
Pastaba: kreipiniai į DB jau yra aprašyti config/firebase.js, pvz:
export const tweetsRef = databaseRef.child("tweets");
- 4.1 Pakeičiame statinius tweets duomenis tweet-list.js faile
import { tweetsRef } from "../../config/firebase";
TweetList klasėje nurodome:
state = { tweets: null };
Pridedame naują metodą:
componentDidMount() { tweetsRef.on("value", snapshot => { const tweets = snapshot.val(); this.setState({ tweets }); }); }
Pastaba: Jei matote klaidą Firebase: Firebase App named '[DEFAULT]' already exists (app/duplicate-app) - atnaujinkinte codesandbox naršyklės vaizdą
Pridėjimo forma
Pastaba: iššokančią formą darysime naudodamiesi Material UI komponentu Modal:
- 5.1 Sukuriame direktoriją components/tweet-form ir failus joje: index.js, tweet-form.js, tweet-form.module.scss
- 5.2 Papildome tweet-form.js:
import React from "react"; import Modal from "@material-ui/core/Modal"; import styles from "./tweet-form.module.scss"; class TweetForm extends React.Component { render() { return ( <Modal open={true}> <div> Pridėjimo forma </div> </Modal> ); } } export default TweetForm;
- 5.3 index.js:
export { default } from "./tweet-form";
- 5.4 app.js pridedame šią formą:
import TweetForm from "./components/tweet-form";
Po sąrašo komponentu TweetList render() metode pridedame formos komponentą TweetForm:
<div className={styles.content}> <TweetList /> <TweetForm /> </div>
- 5.5 Sutvarkome stilius:
components/tweet-form/tweet-form.js render() metode pridedame klasę modal:
render() { return ( <Modal open={true}> <div className={styles.modal}> Pridėjimo forma </div> </Modal> ); }
components/tweet-form/tweet-form.module.scss pridedame:
.modal { position: absolute; top: 200px; left: calc(50% - 240px); display: flex; flex-direction: column; width: 480px; background-color: white; border-radius: 10px; overflow: hidden; padding: 40px; outline: none; }
- 5.6 Papildome components/tweet-form/tweet-form.js render() metodą:
const { isOpen, onClose } = this.props; ... return ( <Modal open={isOpen} onClose={onClose}> <div className={styles.modal}> Pridėjimo forma </div> </Modal> ) ...
App.js (
import Button from "@material-ui/core/Button"; ... state = { isFormOpen: false }; openForm = () => { this.setState({ isFormOpen: true }); }; closeForm = () => { this.setState({ isFormOpen: false }); }; ... <div className={styles.content}> <TweetList /> <TweetForm isOpen={this.state.isFormOpen} onClose={this.closeForm} /> </div> <Footer> <Button color="primary" variant="extendedFab" aria-label="Create" onClick={this.openForm} > Create new destination </Button> </Footer>
- 5.7 Galime pridėti ikoną App.js:
import CreateIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Create"; ... <Button color="primary" variant="extendedFab" aria-label="Create" onClick={this.openForm} > <CreateIcon /> Create new destination </Button>
- 5.8 Formos laukai - tweet-form.js:
import TextField from "@material-ui/core/TextField"; return ( <Modal open={isOpen} onClose={onClose}> <div className={styles.modal}> <div> <TextField label="Title" variant="outlined" required /> <TextField label="Description" multiline variant="outlined" required /> <TextField label="Image url" variant="outlined" required /> </div> </div> </Modal> );
- 5.9 Sutvarkome input stilių: pridedame kiekvienam TextField parametrą className={styles.input} div, kuris apgaubia visus TextField: className={styles.form}. Aprašome input klasės stilius tweet-form.module.scss:
.form { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .input { margin: 10px 0; }
- 5.10 tweet-form.js:
import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
Po formos div pridedame mygtukus:
<div> <Button variant="outlined">Cancel</Button> <Button variant="outlined" color="primary"> Save </Button> </div>
- 5.11 Pridedame mygtukus gaubiančiam div ir patiems mygtukams klases:
<div className={styles.actions}> <Button className={styles.button} variant="outlined"> Cancel ...
Aprašome klasių stilius tweet-form.module.scss:
.actions { display: flex; margin: 10px 0; } .button { flex: 1; margin: 0 10px; }
- 5.12 Mygtukų funkcionalumas:
<Button className={styles.button} variant="outlined" onClick={onClose} > Cancel </Button> <Button className={styles.button} variant="outlined" color="primary" onClick={this.handleSave} > Save </Button> ...
TweetForm komponente:
handleSave = () => { console.log("Save event, yey!"); };
Aprašome TweetForm state:
state = { title: "", description: "", imageUrl: "" };
Pridedame TextField komponentams parametrus:
<TextField label="Title" variant="outlined" className={styles.input} value={this.state.title} onChange={this.handleChange("title")} required />
taip pat ir description, imageUrl:
... onChange={this.handleChange("description")} value={this.state.description} ... onChange={this.handleChange("imageUrl")} value={this.state.imageUrl}
TweetForm komponente pridedame (keičiame state įvedimo metu):
handleChange = name => event => { this.setState({ [name]: }); };
State galime pasiekti ir handleSave():
handleSave = () => { const { title, description, imageUrl } = this.state; console.log(title, description, imageUrl); };
Išsaugojimas į DB
Pastaba: funkcionalumas, susijęs su duomenų operacijomis, yra src/actions/index.js
- 6.1 tweet-form.js:
import { addTweet } from '../../actions';
Papildome TweetForm komponentą:
saveTweet = (title, description, imageUrl) => { const tweet = { title, description, imageUrl }; addTweet(tweet).then(() => this.setState(this.props.onClose)); };
Pakviečiame saveTweet() metodą handleSave() metode:
handleSave = () => { const { title, description, imageUrl } = this.state; if (!title || !description || !imageUrl) { return; } this.saveTweet(title, description, imageUrl); };
- 7.1 Pridedame delete mygtuką components/card/card.js:
import CardActions from '@material-ui/core/CardActions'; import IconButton from '@material-ui/core/IconButton'; import DeleteIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Delete";
Pridedame Card parametrus isMine, onDelete ir įdedame actions po CardContent:
const Card = ({ title, description, imageSrc, isMine, onDelete }) => ( ... <CardActions className={styles.actions} disableActionSpacing> {isMine && ( <IconButton onClick={onDelete} className={styles.delete}> <DeleteIcon /> </IconButton> )} </CardActions>
Nurodome pridėtus parametrus components/tweet-list/tweet-list.js, kur šis komponentas kviečiamas:
import { removeTweet, isTweetOwner } from "../../actions"; ...
render Tweets() metode Card:
onDelete={() => removeTweet(id)} isMine={isTweetOwner(tweets[id])}
- 8.1 components/card.js:
import FavoriteIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Favorite"; ... <CardActions className={styles.actions} disableActionSpacing> <IconButton> <FavoriteIcon /> </IconButton> <Typography component="p" /> {isMine && ( ...
- 8.2 Card.js:
import NotFavoriteIcon from "@material-ui/icons/FavoriteBorder";
Card.js const Card pridedame parametrus isLiked, toggleLike, likesCount:
const Card = ({ imageSrc, title, description, onDelete, isMine, toggleLike, likesCount, isLiked, })
Po <CardActions …:
<IconButton onClick={toggleLike}> {isLiked ? <FavoriteIcon /> : <NotFavoriteIcon />} </IconButton> <Typography component="p">{likesCount}</Typography>
Tweet-list.js, kur kviečiamas card komponentas, nurodome šiuos parametrus su reikšmėmis iš aprašytų actions (actions/index.js):
import { removeTweet, isTweetOwner, toggleTweetLike, isTweetLiked } from '../../actions'; ... <Card key={id} imageSrc={tweets[id].imageUrl} title={tweets[id].title} description={tweets[id].description} onDelete={() => removeTweet(id)} isMine={isTweetOwner(tweets[id])} toggleLike={() => toggleTweetLike(id)} likesCount={tweets[id].likesCount} isLiked={isTweetLiked(tweets[id])} />
clone repo.
npm install.
npm run start