More information :
Tineco is a WIFI thermostat to control your boiler system or one electrical heater.
Tineco is based on the esp8266 module.
This wifi module has a great SDK to allow easy firmware modification with an OTA process.
Tineco has an internal tem/humidity sensor, a external one-wire bus to connect a DS1820 sensor, a 10 A relay with current sensor.
Tineco has an integrated convertor (220v) to power the electronic boad.
A hardware watchdog detect failure of the firmware and restart automaticaly the esp8266 module.
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The source code is written in C++ and based on the sming framework : sming et le language C++.
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Stéphane GUILLY - [email protected] Thierry COUSIN - [email protected]
Contact us if you are interresting to buy a product