Probe Running service
go-scheduler requires pgsql and rabbitmq and redis to function.
docker run -d --hostname rabbit --name rabbit -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management
docker run --name scheduler-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=scheduler -e POSTGRES_USER=scheduler -e POSTGRES_DB=scheduler -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
you can also use the same DB instance currently being used by the scheduler backend
This project requires Go to be installed. On OS X with Homebrew you can just run brew install go
Running it then should be as simple as:
$ make
$ ./bin/go-scheduler
go-scheduler currently has 3 server parts that can all run individually and scale on their own.
HTTP Server go-scheduler serve
handles the http REST api to manage and comunicate with the scheduler
Scheduler go-scheduler scheduler
runs the scheduler and makes sure the different cron jobs run at their interval
Launcher go-scheduler probe launcher
consumes the trigger queue from the scheduler and launches probe workers
the scheduler requires a minimal database in PGSQL to hold all the cron jobs this can be init by running go-scheduler scheduler dbinit
make test
# go-scheduler