RFT is the next generation Translation User eXperience built upon the insights of the SharpDevelop project. It has the following goals:
- Code-First: Developers live in the IDE and work directly with resource files. Source control is the source of truth for resources.
- Multi-Branch: Translations come and go with features being added, modified or removed. Translators should never duplicate work.
- Multi-File: Complex software doesn't ship with a single resource file only. Slice your application into modules and still get the benefits of translating only once.
- Sync: Automatically get the latest resource file checkins to the translators, and the finished translations to the developers or the build servers.
Live demo: http://rftdemo.azurewebsites.net/
Translator credentials: translator, translator
Administrator credentials: admin, administrator
Certain operations are disallowed in the demo (eg creating new users, resetting a password)
Videos / Screencasts
Administration Area Translators demo
Please see the wiki
Written by Andreas Lillich (frontend) and Christoph Wille (backend). The specification was co-written by Daniel Grunwald, Siegfried Pammer and Christoph Wille.
- RFT is in production use for SharpDevelop
- A first non-production test version of RFT
Andreas joins in to create the SPA frontend applications
Start coding as a proof of concept to see if this can be pulled off
Daniel, Siegfried and Christoph sat down and created a specification
We had been talking about replacing the existing application for ages.