This repostiory contians Python based script to generate IBF workflow as described in DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.36634.41928. Majorly focusing on DevOPs priciples to have operational generation of IBF considering the cloud computing infrasture and data format in ARCO for cost effective daily/weekly/monthly operational product for DRM.
The repository will be organized in the forms of IBF workflow focusing on ARCO formats and CNO
- events- routines for event based storylines and historical extreme values
- fcst- scripts to collect EPS forecast products
- obs - scripts to collect observation products
- haz - hazard model output, input datasets for flood and drought hydrological and hydrodynamic models
- imp - impact modeling routine, exposure datasets, impact functions, climada based impact calcuation
- verify - forecast verification routines
- bn - bayesian network based risk and deicision analysis routines to generate IBF risk matrices
Supported by NORCAP