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ICON SDK for Python

ICON SDK for Python is a collection of libraries which allows you to interact with a local or remote ICON node using an HTTP connection.

This document describes how to interact with ICON Network using the ICON SDK for Python, including SDK installation, API usage guide, and code examples.


  • Python 3.7 or later.


Setup a virtual environment first, and install ICON SDK.

$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install iconsdk

Using the SDK

Create IconService and Set Provider

You need to create an IconService instance and set a provider.

  • The IconService class contains a set of API methods. It accepts an HTTPProvider which serves the purpose of connecting to HTTP and HTTPS based JSON-RPC servers.

  • A provider defines how the IconService connects to ICON node.

  • The HTTPProvider takes a base domain URL where the server can be found. For local development, this would be something like http://localhost:9000.

Here is an example of calling a simple API method to get a block by its height:

from iconsdk.icon_service import IconService
from iconsdk.providers.http_provider import HTTPProvider

# Creates an IconService instance using the HTTP provider and set a provider.
icon_service = IconService(HTTPProvider("http://localhost:9000", 3))

# Gets a block by a given block height.
block = icon_service.get_block(1209)

Using Logger

Set a logger named ICON-SDK-PYTHON if necessary. Use set_logger function to set log level like "DEBUG", "INFO", etc as shown below.

from iconsdk.utils import set_logger

# Sets level in the logger. In this case, the handler is default StreamHandler which writes logging records, appropriately formatted, to a stream.

You can also set logger with a specific handler like FileHandler or SteamHandler and user own log format as shown below.

from logging import StreamHandler, Formatter

# Sets level in the logger. In this case, the handler is FileHandler which writes formatted logging records to disk files.
handler = FileHandler("./icon-sdk-python.log", mode='a', encoding=None, delay=False)

# Sets user own log format.
formatter = Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-5s %(filename)-12s %(lineno)-4s %(funcName)-12s %(message)s')

set_logger("DEBUG", handler, formatter)


from iconsdk.builder.call_builder import CallBuilder

# Returns block information by block height
block = icon_service.get_block(1000)

# Returns block information by block hash
block = icon_service.get_block("0x000...000")

# Returns the last block information
block = icon_service.get_block("latest")

# Returns the balance of the account of given address
balance = icon_service.get_balance("hx000...1")

# Returns a list of the SCORE APIs
score_apis = icon_service.get_score_api("cx000...1")

# Returns the total supply of ICX
total_supply = icon_service.get_total_supply()

# Returns information about a transaction requested by transaction hash
tx = icon_service.get_transaction("0x000...000")

# Returns the result of a transaction by transaction hash
tx_result = icon_service.get_transaction_result("0x000...000")

# Returns the data based on the hash
tx_result = icon_service.get_data_by_hash("0x000...000")

# Returns block header for specified height.
tx_result = icon_service.get_block_header_by_height(1000)

# Returns votes for the block specified by height
tx_result = icon_service.get_votes_by_height(1000)

# Returns proof for the receipt. Proof, itself, may include the receipt.
tx_result = icon_service.get_proof_for_result("0x000...000", 0)

# Returns proof for the receipt and the events in it. The proof may include the data itself.
tx_result = icon_service.get_proof_for_events("0x000...000", 0, [ "0x0", "0x2" ])

# Generates a call instance using the CallBuilder
call = CallBuilder().from_(wallet.get_address())\
                    .params({"address": "hx000...1"})\

# Executes a call method to call a read-only API method on the SCORE immediately without creating a transaction
result =


  • Function A

    • Returns block information by block height
    • Delegates to icx_getBlockByHeight RPC method
  • Function B

    • Returns block information by block hash
    • Delegates to icx_getBlockByHash RPC method
  • Function C

    • Returns the last block information
    • Delegates to icx_getLastBlock RPC method


  • Function A
    • value : Integer of a block height
  • Function B
    • value : Hash of a block prefixed with '0x'
  • Function C
    • value : 'latest'


Block data

Example of a returned block data

Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.
  • JSONRPCException : JSON-RPC Response is error.


# Returns block information by block height
block = icon_service.get_block(1000)

# Returns block information by block hash
block = icon_service.get_block("0x000...000")

# Returns the last block information
block = icon_service.get_block("latest")


get_balance(address: str, height: int = None)

Returns the ICX balance of the given EOA or SCORE

Delegates to icx_getBalance RPC method


address : An address of EOA or SCORE

height(optional) : Block height


Number of ICX coins

Error Cases

  • AddressException : Address is invalid.
  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.
  • JSONRPCException : JSON-RPC Response is error.


# Returns the ICX balance of the given EOA or SCORE
balance = icon_service.get_balance("hx000...1")


get_score_api(address: str, height: int = None)

Returns SCORE's external API list

Delegates to icx_getScoreApi RPC method


address : A SCORE address to be examined

height(optional) : Block height


A list of API methods of the SCORE and its information

Fields :

  • type : Method type; function, fallback, or eventlog
  • name : Function name on the SCORE
  • inputs : A list of information of parameters
    • name : Parameter name
    • type : Parameter type ; int, str, bytes, bool, Address
    • indexed : In the case of eventlog, tells if the parameter is indexed.
  • outputs : Return value
    • type : Return value type ; int, str, bytes, bool, Address
  • Readonly : External (readonly=True)
  • Payable: Payable

Error Cases

  • AddressException : Address is invalid.
  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.
  • JSONRPCException : JSON-RPC Response is error.


# Returns SCORE's external API list
score_apis = icon_service.get_score_api("cx000...1")


get_total_supply(height: int = None)

Returns total ICX coin supply that has been issued

Delegates to icx_getTotalSupply RPC method


height(optional) : Block height


Total number of ICX coins issued

Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.
  • JSONRPCException : JSON-RPC Response is error.


# Returns total ICX coin supply that has been issued
total_supply = icon_service.get_total_supply()


get_transaction(tx_hash: str)

Returns the transaction information requested by transaction hash

Delegates to icx_getTransactionByHash RPC method


tx_hash : Transaction hash prefixed with '0x'


Information about a transaction

Fields :

  • version : Protocol version (3 for V3)
  • from : An EOA address that created the transaction
  • to : An EOA address to receive coins, or SCORE address to execute the transaction
  • value : Amount of ICX coins in loop to transfer. When omitted, assumes 0. (1 icx = 10 ^ 18 loop)
  • stepLimit : Maximum step allowance that can be used by the transaction
  • timestamp : Transaction creation time. Timestamp is in microseconds.
  • nid : Network ID (1 for Main net, etc)
  • nonce : An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision
  • txHash : Transaction hash
  • txIndex : Transaction index in a block. Null when it is pending.
  • blockHeight : Block height including the transaction. Null when it is pending
  • blockHash : Block hash including the transaction. Null when it is pending.
  • signature : Signature of the transaction
  • dataType : Data type; call, deploy, message
  • data : Contains various type of data depending on the dataType

Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.
  • JSONRPCException : JSON-RPC Response is error.


# Returns the transaction information requested by transaction hash
tx = icon_service.get_transaction("0x000...000")


get_transaction_result(tx_hash: str)

Returns the transaction result requested by transaction hash

Delegates to icx_getTransactionResult RPC method


tx_hash : Hash of a transaction prefixed with '0x'


A transaction result object

Field :

  • status : 1 on success, 0 on failure
  • to : Recipient address of the transaction
  • failure : This field exists when status is 0. Contains code(str) and message(str)
  • txHash : Transaction hash
  • txIndex : Transaction index in the block
  • blockHeight : Block height including the transaction
  • blockHash : Block hash including the transaction
  • cumulativeStepUsed : Sum of stepUsed by this transaction and all preceding transactions in the same block
  • stepUsed : The amount of step used by this transaction
  • stepPrice: The step price used by this transaction
  • scoreAddress : A SCORE address if the transaction created a new SCORE. (optional)
  • eventLogs : Array of eventlogs generated by this transaction
  • logsBloom : Bloom filter to quickly retrieve related eventlogs

Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.
  • JSONRPCException : JSON-RPC Response is error.


# Returns the transaction result requested by transaction hash
tx_result = icon_service.get_transaction_result("0x000...000")


get_data_by_hash(hash: str)

Get data by hash.

It can be used to retrieve data based on the hash algorithm (SHA3-256).

Following data can be retrieved by a hash.

  • BlockHeader with the hash of the block
  • Validators with BlockHeader.NextValidatorsHash
  • Votes with BlockHeader.VotesHash
  • etc…

Delegates to icx_getDataByHash RPC method


hash : The hash value of the data to retrieve.


Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.
  • JSONRPCException : JSON-RPC Response is error.


tx_result = icon_service.get_data_by_hash("0x000...000")


get_block_header_by_height(height: int)

Get block header for specified height.

Delegates to icx_getBlockHeaderByHeight RPC method


height : The height of the block


Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.
  • JSONRPCException : JSON-RPC Response is error.


tx_result = icon_service.get_block_header_by_height(1000)


get_votes_by_height(height: int)

Get votes for the block specified by height.

Normally votes for the block are included in the next. So, even though the block is finalized by votes already, the block including votes may not exist. For that reason, we support this API to get votes as proof for the block.

Delegates to icx_getVoteByHeight RPC method


height : The height of the block


Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.
  • JSONRPCException : JSON-RPC Response is error.


tx_result = icon_service.get_vote_by_height(1000)


call(call: Call)

Calls SCORE's external function which is read-only without creating a transaction.

Delegates to icx_call RPC method


Call object made by CallBuilder

Fields :

  • from : Message sender's address (optional)
  • to : A SCORE address that will handle the message
  • method : name of an external function
  • params : Parameters to be passed to the function (optional). A data type of params should be dict.


Values returned by the executed SCORE function

Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.
  • JSONRPCException : JSON-RPC Response is error.


# Generates a call instance using the CallBuilder
call = CallBuilder().from_(wallet.get_address())\
                    .params({"address": "hx000...1"})\

# Calls SCORE's external function which is read-only without creating a transaction
result =


To send transactions, first, you should make an instance of your wallet.

You can make an instance of the wallet using bytes of the private key or from a keystore file.

from iconsdk.wallet.wallet import KeyWallet

# Generates a wallet
wallet = KeyWallet.create()

# Loads a wallet from bytes of the private key
wallet = KeyWallet.load(b'-B\x99...xedy')

# Loads a wallet from a keystore file
wallet = KeyWallet.load("./keystore", "password")

# Stores a keystore file on the file path"./keystore", "password") # throw exception if having an error.

# Returns an Address

# Returns a private key

# Signs the transaction
signature = wallet.sign(b'D8\xe9...\xfc')



Generates an instance of Wallet without a specific private key




An instance of Wallet class


# Generates a wallet
wallet = KeyWallet.create()


load(private_key: bytes)

Loads a wallet from bytes of the private key and generates an instance of Wallet


private_key : Bytes of the private key


An instance of Wallet class

Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Private key is invalid.


# Loads a wallet from bytes of the private key
wallet = KeyWallet.load(b'-B\x99...xedy')


load(file_path, password)

Loads a wallet from a keystore file with your password and generates an instance of Wallet


  • file_path : File path of the keystore file

  • password : Password for the keystore file. Password must include alphabet character, number, and special character


An instance of Wallet class

Error Cases

  • KeyStoreException: Key store file is invalid.


# Loads a wallet from a keystore file
wallet = KeyWallet.load("./keystore", "password")


store(file_path, password)

Stores data of an instance of a derived wallet class on the file path with your password


  • file_path : File path of the keystore file

  • password : Password for the keystore file. Password must include alphabet character, number, and special character



Error Cases

  • KeyStoreException: Key store file is invalid.


# Stores a keystore file on the file path"./keystore", "password") # throw exception if having an error.



Returns an EOA address

The format of your account (which is generated from your public key) is hxfd7e4560ba363f5aabd32caac7317feeee70ea57.




An EOA address


# Returns an EOA address



Returns hex string of the private key of the wallet




Hex string of the private key


# Returns the private key


sign(data: bytes)

Returns bytes of the ECDSA-SHA256 signature made from the data


data : bytes of the transaction


Bytes of the signature

Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.


# Signs the transaction
signature = wallet.sign(b'D8\xe9...\xfc')


Generating a Transaction

Next, you should create an instance of the transaction using different types of transaction builders as follows:

Signing a Transaction

Before sending a transaction, the transaction should be signed by using SignedTransaction class. The SignedTransaction class is used to sign the transaction by returning an instance of the signed transaction as demonstrated in the example below. The instance of the signed transaction has the property of a signature.

Sending a Transaction

Finally, you can send a transaction with the signed transaction object as follows:


from iconsdk.builder.transaction_builder import (
from iconsdk.signed_transaction import SignedTransaction

# Generates an instance of transaction for sending icx.
transaction = TransactionBuilder()\

# Generates an instance of transaction for deploying SCORE.
transaction = DeployTransactionBuilder()\

# Generates an instance of transaction for calling method in SCORE.
transaction = CallTransactionBuilder()\

# Generates an instance of transaction for sending a message.
transaction = MessageTransactionBuilder()\
# Generates an instance of transaction for adding or withdrawing a deposit.
# Case0: Adding a deposit 
transaction = DepositTransactionBuilder()\
    .action("add") \
# Case1: Withdrawing the deposit
transaction = DepositTransactionBuilder()\
    .action("withdraw") \
    .id(tx_hash) \

# Returns the signed transaction object having a signature
signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(transaction, wallet)

# Sends the transaction
tx_hash = icon_service.send_transaction(signed_transaction)


Builder for a Transaction object


  • from_ : The wallet address making a transaction. The default address is your account address.
  • to : The wallet address to receive coin or SCORE address to receive a transaction.
  • value : The amount of ICX to be sent. (Optional)
  • step_limit : The maximum step value for processing a transaction.
  • nid : Network ID. Default nid is 1 if you didn't set the value. (1 for Main net, etc)
  • nonce : An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision. (Optional)
  • version : Protocol version (3 for V3). The default version is 3 if you didn't set the value.
  • timestamp : Transaction creation time. Timestamp is in microseconds. Default timestamp is set, if you didn't set the value.
  • build : Returns an ICX transaction object


A transaction object


# Generates an instance of transaction for sending icx.
transaction = TransactionBuilder()\


Builder for DeployTransaction object


  • from_ : The wallet address making a transaction. The default address is your account address.
  • to : The wallet address to receive coin or SCORE address to receive a transaction
  • step_limit : The maximum step value for processing a transaction
  • nid : Network ID. Default nid is 1 if you didn't set the value. (1 for Main net, etc)
  • nonce : An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision
  • content_type : Content's MIME type
  • content : Binary data of the SCORE
  • params : Parameters passed on the SCORE methods ; on_install (), on_update (). Data type of the params should be dict. (optional)
  • version : Protocol version (3 for V3). The default version is 3 if you didn't set the value.
  • timestamp : Transaction creation time. Timestamp is in microseconds. Default timestamp is set, if you didn't set the value.
  • build : Returns a deploy transaction object


A deploy transaction object


# Generates an instance of transaction for deploying SCORE.
transaction = DeployTransactionBuilder()\


Builder for CallTransaction object


  • from_ : The wallet address making a transaction. The default address is your account address.
  • to : The wallet address to receive coin or SCORE address to receive a transaction
  • step_limit : The maximum step value for processing a transaction
  • nid : Network ID. Default nid is 1 if you didn't set the value. (1 for Main net, etc)
  • nonce : An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision
  • method : Methods in the SCORE
  • params : Parameters passed on the SCORE methods. Data type of the params should be dict. (optional)
  • version : Protocol version (3 for V3). The default version is 3 if you didn't set the value.
  • timestamp : Transaction creation time. Timestamp is in microseconds. Default timestamp is set, if you didn't set the value.
  • Build : Returns a call transaction object


A call transaction object


# Generates an instance of transaction for calling method in SCORE.
transaction = CallTransactionBuilder()\


Builder for MessageTransaction object


  • from_ : The wallet address making a transaction. The default address is your account address.
  • to : The wallet address to receive coin or SCORE address to receive a transaction
  • stepLimit : The maximum step value for processing a transaction
  • nid : Network ID. Default nid is 1 if you didn't set the value. (1 for Main net, etc)
  • nonce : An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision
  • data : Data by the dataType. Data type of the data should be lowercase hex string prefixed with '0x'.
  • version : Protocol version (3 for V3). The default version is 3 if you didn't set the value.
  • timestamp : Transaction creation time. Timestamp is in microseconds. Default timestamp is set, if you didn't set the value.
  • build : Returns a message transaction object


A message transaction object


# Generates an instance of transaction for sending a message.
transaction = MessageTransactionBuilder()\


Builder for DepositTransaction object


  • from_ : The wallet address making a transaction. The default address is your account address.
  • to : SCORE address to receive a transaction
  • value : The amount of ICX to be deposited. It is used only for 'add' action. (Optional)
  • action : "add" or "withdraw".
  • id : Transaction hash prefixed with '0x'. It is used only for 'withdraw' action. (Optional)
  • stepLimit : The maximum step value for processing a transaction.
  • nid : Network ID. Default nid is 1 if you didn't set the value. (1 for Main net, etc)
  • nonce : An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision.
  • version : Protocol version (3 for V3). The default version is 3 if you didn't set the value.
  • timestamp : Transaction creation time. Timestamp is in microseconds. Default timestamp is set, if you didn't set the value.
  • build : Returns a deposit transaction object.


A deposit transaction object


# Generates an instance of transaction for adding or withdrawing a deposit.
# Case0: Adding a deposit 
transaction = DepositTransactionBuilder()\
    .action("add") \
# Case1: Withdrawing the deposit
transaction = DepositTransactionBuilder()\
    .action("withdraw") \
    .id(tx_hash) \


SignedTransaction(transaction: Transaction, wallet: Wallet)

Returns the signed transaction object having a signature


  • transaction : A transaction object not having a signature field yet
  • wallet : A wallet object


The signed transaction object having a signature field finally

Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.


# Returns the signed transaction object having a signature
signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(transaction, wallet)


send_transaction(signed_transaction: SignedTransaction)

Sends the transaction

Delegates to icx_sendTransaction RPC method

Need to wait for a while after sending the transaction. Because it takes time to create consensus among nodes. We recommend 0.3 seconds at least.


signed_transaction : A signed transaction object


Transaction hash prefixed with '0x'

Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.
  • JSONRPCException : JSON-RPC Response is error.


# Sends the transaction
tx_hash = icon_service.send_transaction(signed_transaction)

Estimating Step

It is important to set a proper step_limit value in your transaction to make the submitted transaction executed successfully.

estimate_step API provides a way to estimate the Step usage of a given transaction. Using the method, you can get an estimated Step usage before sending your transaction then make a SignedTransaction with the step_limit based on the estimate.


# Generates a raw transaction without the stepLimit
transaction = TransactionBuilder()\

# Returns an estimated step value
estimate_step = icon_service.estimate_step(transaction)

# Adds some margin to the estimated step
estimate_step += 10000

# Returns the signed transaction object having a signature with the same raw transaction and the estimated step
signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(transaction, wallet, estimate_step)

# Sends the transaction
tx_hash = icon_service.send_transaction(signed_transaction)

Note that the estimate can be smaller or larger than the actual amount of step to be used by the transaction, so it is recommended to add some margin to the estimate when you set the step_limit of the SignedTransaction.


estimate_step(transaction: Transaction)

Returns an estimated step of how much step is necessary to allow the transaction to complete

Delegates to debug_estimateStep RPC method


transaction : An Transaction object made by TransactionBuilder


Number of an estimated step

Error Cases

  • DataTypeException : Data type is invalid.
  • JSONRPCException : JSON-RPC Response is error.


# Generates a raw transaction without the stepLimit
transaction = TransactionBuilder()\

# Returns an estimated step value
estimate_step = icon_service.estimate_step(transaction)



This project is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


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