Users can create quizzes by sending a POST request to /quizzes
Required fields in the request body:
o question: The text of the question.
o options: An array of strings representing answer options.
o rightAnswer: The index of the correct answer in the options
array (starting from 0).
o startDate: The date and time (ISO format) when the quiz should
o endDate: The date and time (ISO format) when the quiz should
Users can retrieve the currently active quiz (within the start and
end time) by sending a GET request to /quizzes/active.
The response should include the quiz data, including current status
After 5 minutes of the quiz's end time, users can retrieve the quiz
result by sending a GET request to /quizzes/:id/result, where :id is
the quiz's unique identifier.
The response should include the correct answer and additional
information if needed.
Users can retrieve all quizzes (including inactive and finished) by
sending a GET request to /quizzes/all.
The response should include a list of quiz objects with relevant