Docebo Coding Certification repository, Mockup
Install Git (you should know how thanks to Niccolo')
Use Carmine's Env (Apache, PHP, MySQL with MAMP/XAMPP) or equivalent
Clone this Repository with GUI or by running
git clone
docs: here you can find the scenarios
db: here you can find the DB structure and initial data
lib: some useful PHP functions for your project (helper funtions to manage users, topics and messages)
css: css files, global style.css and a css file for each page
js: js files, global script.js and a js file for each page
- this file
LICENSE unused
index.php the main platform page, here you should show the sign-in/registration link for guests and the topic list for logged in users
signin.php the sigin dedicated page
register.php the user registration dedicated page
topic.php the single topic detail page
examples.php some code fragments using all the lib helper funtions
Are you a dev rockstar? Add these features:
- Timezone: Add timezone management in user registration and show the dates based on user selected timezone.
- Multilanguage: Remove hard-coded labels and use multilanguage keys instead. Choose the D-board language by using the browser language if you have the translations or use ENG as fallback.
- Pagination: Paginate topics and messages using traditional pagination controls or be a rockstar and implement the continuos scoll!
- Styles: Use an advanced editor for messages and display some basic styles (bold, italic, lists, bullets) into messages. If you want to be a rockstar add the support for images and tables.
- My profile: Create a new My profile page, let the user to change the password and the timezone. Are you the best? Add the user avatar management.