The included scripts are intended to demonstrate how to use Google Cloud Build as a continuous integration system deploying code to GKE. This is not an official Google product.
The example here follows a pattern where:
- developers use cloud servers during local development
- all lower lifecycle testing occurs on branches other than master
- merges to master indicate a readiness for a canary (beta) deployment in production
- a tagged release indicates the canary deploy is fully signed off and rolled out to all remaining servers
There are 5 scripts included as part of the demo:
- cloudbuild-local.yaml - used by developers to compile and push local code to cloud servers
- cloudbuild-dev.yaml - used to deploy any branch to branch namespaces
- cloudbuild-canary.yaml - used to deploy the master branch to canary servers
- cloudbuild-prod.yaml - used to push repo tags to remaining production servers
- cloudbuild.yaml - an all in one script that can be used for branches, master and tags with one configuration
This lab shows you how to setup a continuous delivery pipeline for GKE using Google Cloud Build. We’ll run through the following steps
- Create a GKE Cluster
- Review the application structure
- Manually deploy the application
- Create a repository for our source
- Setup automated triggers in Cloud Build
- Automatically deploy Branches to custom namespaces
- Automatically deploy Master as a canary
- Automatically deploy Tags to production
# On Cloudshell
# export PROJECT=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')
export CLUSTER=gke-deploy-cluster
export ZONE=us-central1-a
gcloud config set compute/zone $ZONE
gcloud services enable --async
gcloud services enable --async
gcloud services enable --async
gcloud services enable --async
gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER} \
--project=${PROJECT} \
--zone=${ZONE} \
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER} \
--project=${PROJECT} \
For kubectl
commands against GKE youll need to give Cloud Build Service Account container.developer role access on your clusters details.
PROJECT_NUMBER="$(gcloud projects describe \
$(gcloud config get-value core/project -q) --format='get(projectNumber)')"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \
--member=serviceAccount:${PROJECT_NUMBER} \
kubectl create ns production
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployments/prod -n production
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployments/canary -n production
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/services -n production
kubectl scale deployment gceme-frontend-production -n production --replicas 4
kubectl get pods -n production -l app=gceme -l role=frontend
kubectl get pods -n production -l app=gceme -l role=backend
kubectl get service gceme-frontend -n production
export FRONTEND_SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}" --namespace=production services gceme-frontend)
curl http://$FRONTEND_SERVICE_IP/version
gcloud alpha source repos create default
git init
git config credential.helper
git remote add gcp[PROJECT]/r/default
git add .
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
git push gcp master
Ensure you have credentials available
gcloud auth application-default login
cat <<EOF > branch-build-trigger.json
"triggerTemplate": {
"projectId": "${PROJECT}",
"repoName": "default",
"branchName": "[^(?!.*master)].*"
"description": "branch",
"substitutions": {
"filename": "builder/cloudbuild-dev.yaml"
curl -X POST \${PROJECT}/triggers \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \
--data-binary @branch-build-trigger.json
cat <<EOF > master-build-trigger.json
"triggerTemplate": {
"projectId": "${PROJECT}",
"repoName": "default",
"branchName": "master"
"description": "master",
"substitutions": {
"filename": "builder/cloudbuild-canary.yaml"
curl -X POST \${PROJECT}/triggers \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \
--data-binary @master-build-trigger.json
cat <<EOF > tag-build-trigger.json
"triggerTemplate": {
"projectId": "${PROJECT}",
"repoName": "default",
"tagName": ".*"
"description": "tag",
"substitutions": {
"filename": "builder/cloudbuild-prod.yaml"
curl -X POST \${PROJECT}/triggers \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \
--data-binary @tag-build-trigger.json
Review triggers are setup on the Build Triggers Page
The following submits a build to Cloud Build and deploys the results to a user's namespace.
gcloud container builds submit \
--config builder/cloudbuild-local.yaml \
Development branches are a set of environments your developers use to test their code changes before submitting them for integration into the live site. These environments are scaled-down versions of your application, but need to be deployed using the same mechanisms as the live environment.
To create a development environment from a feature branch, you can push the branch to the Git server and let Cloud Build deploy your environment.
Create a development branch and push it to the Git server.
git checkout -b new-feature
In order to demonstrate changing the application, you will be change the gceme cards from blue to orange.
Step 1 Open html.go and replace the two instances of blue with orange.
Step 2 Open main.go and change the version number from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0. The version is defined in this line:
const version string = "2.0.0"
Step 1
Commit and push your changes. This will kick off a build of your development environment.
git add html.go main.go
git commit -m "Version 2.0.0"
git push gcp new-feature
Step 2
After the change is pushed to the Git repository, navigate to the Build History Page user interface where you can see that your build started for the new-feature branch
Click into the build to review the details of the job
Step 3
Once that completes, verify that your application is accessible. You should see it respond with 2.0.0, which is the version that is now running.
Retrieve the external IP for the production services.
It can take several minutes before you see the load balancer external IP address.
kubectl get service gceme-frontend -n new-feature
Once an External-IP is provided store it for later use
export FRONTEND_SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}" --namespace=new-feature services gceme-frontend)
curl http://$FRONTEND_SERVICE_IP/version
Congratulations! You've setup a pipeline and deployed code to GKE with Cloud Build.
The rest of this example follows the same pattern but demonstrates the triggers for Master and Tags.
Now that you have verified that your app is running your latest code in the development environment, deploy that code to the canary environment.
Step 1 Create a canary branch and push it to the Git server.
git checkout master
git merge new-feature
git push gcp master
Again after you’ve pushed to the Git repository, navigate to the Build History Page user interface where you can see that your build started for the master branch
Click into the build to review the details of the job
Step 2
Once complete, you can check the service URL to ensure that some of the traffic is being served by your new version. You should see about 1 in 5 requests returning version 2.0.0.
export FRONTEND_SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}" --namespace=production services gceme-frontend)
while true; do curl http://$FRONTEND_SERVICE_IP/version; sleep 1; done
You can stop this command by pressing Ctrl-C
You have deployed a canary release. Next you will deploy the new version to production by creating a tag.
Now that your canary release was successful and you haven't heard any customer complaints, you can deploy to the rest of your production fleet.
Step 1 Merge the canary branch and push it to the Git server.
git tag v2.0.0
git push gcp v2.0.0
Review the job on the the Build History Page user interface where you can see that your build started for the v2.0.0 tag
Click into the build to review the details of the job
Step 2 Once complete, you can check the service URL to ensure that all of the traffic is being served by your new version, 2.0.0. You can also navigate to the site using your browser to see your orange cards.
export FRONTEND_SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}" --namespace=production services gceme-frontend)
while true; do curl http://$FRONTEND_SERVICE_IP/version; sleep 1; done
You can stop this command by pressing Ctrl-C
You have successfully deployed your application to production!