Copies documents from one CouchDB database to another CouchDB database, applying one or more optionally configured filter and transformation operations to the documents.
Inspired by couchimport and built on CouchDB's change feed.
$ git clone
$ cd couchdb-db-transform
Custom filter functions can be used to limit the number of source documents that will be stored in the target database. Two types of filters are supported: server-side and client-side.
Server-side filters are applied by CouchDB and determine which documents are included in the change feed that the service subscribes to. Use this type of filter in scenarios where a significant number of documents can be excluded to reduce the network traffic between the database and the service.
Server-side filters are defined in design documents in the source database.
Example of a design document that defines a filter for deleted documents:
"_id": "_design/transform_service",
"filters": {
"exclude_deleted_docs": "function(doc, req) { if(doc._deleted) { return false; } else { return true; }}"
"language": "javascript"
Client-side filters are applied by the service and determine which documents will be passed to the transformation routine and subsequently stored in the target database. These filters are implemented in Node.JS and deployed with the service.
Example filter function that excludes design documents:
* Filter function that excludes design documents.
* @param {Object} change - a document change that was received in the change feed
* @returns {Boolean} - true if the document is not a design document, false otherwise
module.exports = function(change) {
if((! change) || (! change.doc) || (change.doc._id.startsWith('_design/'))) {
return false;
else {
return true;
Custom transformation are used to selectively modify source documents before they are saved in the target database. Like client-side filters, transformation scripts are implemented in Node.JS and are deployed with the service. Example transformation function that adds a timestamp to each document:
* Sample transformation function that adds a property to each document
* @param {Object} doc - the source document
* @returns {Object} - the transformed document
module.exports = function(doc) {
if(doc) {
doc.timestamp = new Date().toISOString();
return doc;
If performance is critical, use CouchDB's replication instead of this service to simply synchronize two databases.
You can run this service in Bluemix or locally.
$ cf push --no-start
Before the service can be used you have to identify the source database, the target database and the (optionally) the transformation function.
$ cf set-env couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service SOURCE_COUCH_DB_URL https://$USERNAME:$PASSWORD@$$SOURCE_DATABASE_NAME
$ cf set-env couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service TARGET_COUCH_DB_URL https://$USERNAME:$PASSWORD@$$TARGET_DATABASE_NAME
The databases identified by environment variables
must exist.
Note: the service creates a small repository database named
in the target CouchDB instance. Learn more ...
To enable filtering define environment variables SERVER_FILTER
. The value assigned to SERVER_FILTER
must identify an existing filter definition in an existing view in the database identified by SOURCE_COUCH_DB_URL
. The value assigned to CLIENT_FILTER
must identify an existing Node.JS script that's deployed with the service.
$ cf set-env couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service SERVER_FILTER <view/filter_name>
$ cf set-env couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service CLIENT_FILTER </path/to/custom_filter_function.js>
Examples: Register a server-side filter named
that is defined in design documenttransform_service
$ cf set-env couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service SERVER_FILTER transform_service/exclude_deleted_docs
Register a client-side filter named
that is defined insample_filter_functions/ignore_design_documents.js
$ cf set-env couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service CLIENT_FILTER sample_filter_functions/ignore_design_documents.js
The service does not start if any problems are found with the filter definitions.
Register a transformation function by setting environment variable TRANSFORM_FUNCTION
$ cf set-env couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service TRANSFORM_FUNCTION </path/to/custom_transform_function.js>
Example: Register transformation function
that is located in the service'ssample_transform_functions
$ cf set-env couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service TRANSFORM_FUNCTION sample_transform_functions/add_timestamp_property.js
The service provides a /status
endpoint that can be used to monitor the current service state.
To disable the endpoint set environment variable HIDE_CONSOLE
to true
$ cf set-env couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service HIDE_CONSOLE true
To secure the endpoint, define environment variables CONSOLE_USER
and assign the desired values.
$ cf set-env couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service CONSOLE_USER <console_user>
$ cf set-env couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service CONSOLE_PASSWORD <console_user_password>
$ cf start couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service
$ cf logs couchdb-db-copy-and-transform-service --recent
Once started, the service will listen to the change feed of the source database. When the service is started for the first time, all changes that occurred in the past will be captured. If the service is restarted only documents that have not yet been processed will be retrieved, transformed and stored in the target database.
Set environment variable
to always fetch all documents. Note that the service does not delete existing documents in the target database.
The service terminates immediately if the
environment variables are not defined or if the specified filter and/or tranform functions cannot be validated or cause an error during processing.
You can restart the service after the problem has been addressed. Document processing will resume at the point of failure. Learn more ...
If the service status endpoint is enabled (default), direct your browser to <service-url>/status
, replacing <service_url>
with the URL that was assigned to your service instance.
If prompted, enter the values configured for CONSOLE_USER
status_date: "Thu Sep 08 2016 10:53:44 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)",
service_status: {
source: {
database_name: "sample_source",
last_change_received: "Thu Sep 08 2016 10:53:41 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)",
update_seq: "1206002-g1AAAAI..."
target: {
database_name: "sample_target",
last_applied_update_seq: "103500-g1AAAA..",
copied: 3000,
failed: 0,
last_change_applied: "Thu Sep 08 2016 10:53:42 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)"
filter: {
server: {
name: "transform_service/exclude_deleted_docs",
definition: "..."
client: {
name: "sample_filter_functions/ignore_design_documents.js",
definition: "...",
filtered: 3
transformer: {
name: "sample_transform_functions/add_timestamp_property.js",
definition: "..."
$ npm install
$ export SERVER_FILTER=transform_service/exclude_deleted_docs
$ export CLIENT_FILTER=sample_filter_functions/ignore_design_documents.js
$ export TRANSFORM_FUNCTION=sample_transform_functions/add_timestamp_property.js
$ node app.js
Launch a web browser and open the service status URL:
Server starting on http://localhost:6020
Status information is made available at http://localhost:6020/status
Copyright 2016 IBM Cloud Data Services
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.