LDABiotext: an LDA app for analyze biomedical literature from PMC OA Subset.
Usage: LDABiotext [options] <input>...
--k <value>
number of topics.
default: 20
--maxIterations <value>
number of iterations of learning.
default: 10
--docConcentration <value>
amount of topic smoothing to use (> 1.0) (-1=auto).
default: -1.0
--topicConcentration <value>
amount of term (word) smoothing to use (> 1.0) (-1=auto).
default: -1.0
--vocabSize <value>
number of distinct word types to use, chosen by frequency. (-1=all)
default: 10000
--stopwordFile <value>
filepath for a list of stopwords. Note: This must fit on a single machine.
default: null
--algorithm <value>
inference algorithm to use. em and online are supported.
default: em
--checkpointDir <value>
Directory for checkpointing intermediate results. Checkpointing helps with recovery
and eliminates temporary shuffle files on disk.
default: None
--checkpointInterval <value>
Iterations between each checkpoint. Only used if checkpointDir is set.
default: 10
--source <value>
Data source used, two types: text files from PMC OA subset, csv files from SparkText paper
default: "pmc"
input paths (directories) to plain text corpora. Each text file line should hold 1 document.
required, String
Topic modeling on biomedical literature from PMC OA Subset, more than 2M full-texts articles
YOUR_SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--class "LDABiotext" \
--master local[4] \
target/scala-2.11/NLPIR\ 2019-assembly-1.0.jar \
Document classification on biomedical literature from the SpartText paper, around 30K full-texts articles
--driver-memory 12g \
--class "LabelBiodoc" \
--master local[5] \
target/scala-2.11/NLPIR-2019-assembly-1.3.jar \
--source "sparktext" \
--stopwordFile src/main/resources/stopWds.txt \
--vocabSize 2000 \
--minDF 2 \
--maxDF 0.9 \
--pretrainedFolder "/path/to/pretrained_ner_model/ner_precise_en_1.8.0_2.4_1545439567330/" \