Support for calling the S3 Rest API via spray-client
Note: This library in the early stages of development and lacking functionality
s3-spray adds support to spray for calling the S3 Rest API.
It provides a S3
that accepts messages such as ListObjects
and returns messages such as ListBucketResult
. Alternatively
this library provides the individual spray-client
components that allow you to manually build your own requests such as
for signing requests and S3Unmarshallers
for parsing responses.
For SBT add the dependency "com.netaporter" %% "s3-spray" % "0.0.10"
Instantiate the S3
with your S3 access key ID and secret access key like so:
val s3 = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[S3], IO(Http), accessKeyId, secretAccessKey))
You can send the S3
Actor the following messages:
s3 ! PutBucket("bucket-name")
// Expect a response of PutBucketSuccess
s3 ! GetBucket("bucket-name")
// Expect a response of ListBucketResult
s3 ! DeleteBucket("bucket-name")
// Expect a response of DeleteBucketSuccess
If you prefer not to use the S3
actor and would like to manually build the HttpRequests you send to S3, you can either
import or mixin S3RequestBuilding
to get the signS3
. This can then be inserted into your
spray-client pipeline to sign the request with your credentials like so:
val pipeline = (
signS3(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey)
~> sendReceive(transport)
val res = pipeline(Get(""))
For monitoring purposes, the S3 Actor can be configured to publish all the HttpRequest
s and HttpResponse
s it makes to the Akka EventStream
To enable this, add the following configuration to your application.conf
s3 {
publish-event-stream = on
And then in your Actor, subscribe to the events like so:
context.system.eventStream.subscribe(self, classOf[S3Request])
context.system.eventStream.subscribe(self, classOf[S3Response])
def receive = {
case S3Request(req) => ...
case S3Response(res) => ...
sbt test
The integration tests require you to have a AWS account. Export your AWS access key id and secret that have read/write permissions in S3 as environment variables like so:
export S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=a/ads6asd/ad6/D7sda7asdds78as87asd87ds
Then run the tests like so:
sbt it:test