Tiny roguelike is a traditional, turn-based roguelike with a few small twists. The game is being developed openly and feedback is welcomed.
- Turn-based combat
- Procedurally generated dungeons
- A lovely tileset
- Enemies telegraph their turns in advance
- Scrollable message log displays important actions taken by players and enemies
- Info box displays details about individual entities
- Item UI shows inventory and info about items
- Animations, particle effects, mouse support, and other modern touches
- A variety of accessable input methods
- A flexible entity / event system with potential for easy modding
- Various items that change how the game plays
- Game uses and entity / component framework based on this talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U03XXzcThGU
- Entites / components talk to one another using observer pattern: https://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/observer.html