Configure my computers to be more keyboard focused and reduce distraction. Make coding and text editing a breeze.
First time, clone repository:
git clone ~/.dotfiles
And install with
Update at any time with:
This gets local machine up to date, including pulling latest version of this repository, sets OSX defaults, updates brew including packages. Run this at any time to update to latest. The script updates packages that are changed or out of date.
I remind myself of commands and shortcuts I use with:
The configuration process in this repository provides me with my preferred way of working to streamline distraction free coding. This includes:
brew : package manager
fish and zsh : friendly interactive shells
git : source control
wezterm : slick terminals
neovim : file editing with plugins - none-ls ; dispatch ; fugitive ; fzf.vim ; lsp ; markdown-preview ; nvim tree ; repeat ; startify ; surround ; tabular ; which-key ; surround
FiraCode Nerd Font : ligatures, powerline and more
MacOS with
alfred : better hotkeys
hiddenbar : focused status bar
rectangle : window manager
Other tools woven into these dotfiles include ag, fzf, fugitive, java, node and python.
dotfiles are all located in sub-folders in the dotfiles/ folder for the associated tools. Installation stows these in your home directory, i.e. original backed up and dotfiles linked into place. Further installation and configuration takes place with scripts in the bin directory. Look at bin/dotme to see what actually happens.
Components are initialised separately, see dotme -h
get a list of each part. man dotme
will give you more guidance on usage.
I configure some components on my system manually for minor tweaks and enhancements.
To customise local dotme configuration, vi ~/.config/dotme/.env
and edit a
properties to look like:
A large number of dotfiles projects out there that have given me inspiration to mention them all, although Awesome dotfiles make a good attempt to. Particular thanks to: