A jupyter widget to test how long it takes messages generated by user interactions to move between typescript and python.
I should note that as far as I know the widget documentation never claimed that these messages would be low latency. Also, I view widgets as a magical gift that finally enabled me to easily make user interactions for scientific python that don't look like they are from the mid-90s. I love what they enable and don't mean this as a bad thing about widgets just a probing of what the limits are.
I made a manual image segmentation tool using the matplotlib lasso tool but found that it was not responsive enough to be a pleasant experience to use in the notebook (video - implementation (code)) so I considered using ipycanvas but was advised that it would be a better experience to implement the user interaction in typescript - which I'm doing with ipysegment. But I was still curious what the actual timings are so I made this. I think the results here back up the idea that python callbacks to jupyter widgets have too much latency for implementing real time user interactions via python.
All timings were measured in the notebook in the examples directory. The steps were:
- A
event on the widget is triggered- Start time is recorded
- message sent to python side
- On receiving message python records the time and sends a message back
gets calculated (t2-t1
- typescript receives the message and records the time
gets calculated (t3-t2
calculated (t1-t3
)- this time has always been the same as py_ts_time + ts_py_time to ms precision
I think that this measurement is basically a best case scenario for speed becase both the typescript and python message handling are as close to no-ops as possible.
update 2020-07-14: Added a basic tornado + websockets latency test
Based on: https://www.neelsomani.com/blog/getting-started-with-websockets-in-tornado.php in the pure-websocket-test
directory. Follows the same methodology except with a tornado webserver running out of my own python file and handles the websockets manually. Appended to the end of the results (spoiler much lower latency)
If anyone ever reads this and can think of a better methodology please feel free to open an issue - I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Below are some plots from me moving the mouse slowly but consistently over the widget on my laptop. If I move the mouse much faster and do so for more events I end up getting groups of larger outliers (~4000 ms). All plots were generated with plt.hist(...., density=True)
so the y
axis is a probability. At no point did I run into the iopub_msg_rate_limt
which seems to default to 1000 msgs/s so any long message times are likely not the result of that.
Significantly lower latency than the widget comms. idk where all the extra latency comes from? Maybe from all the checking that makes it "send and forget" or maybe its because the kernel is busy doing lots of other things so it takes longer to get to the messages? Either way I wonder if it there is any way for a widget to graft a new websocket endpoint onto the existing tornado server.
Make sure you have nodejs in your environment
#conda setup if you want such a thing
conda create -n msg-speed -c conda-forge jupyterlab nodejs matplotlib
conda activate msg-speed
pip install -e .
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager --no-build
jupyter labextension install .
To make changes:
npm run watch
# in another terminal
jupyter lab --watch
if you make typescript changes wait for them to rebuild then refresh the page. If you make changes to the python restart the notebook's kernel and the changes should apply.