This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
=> For this application I have used following design patterns to as part my design
- RESTful routes to make the API calls
- Service Objects to encapsulate code
- Repositiry pattern to encapsulate the logic that retrieves data
=> Functionalities Implemented
- I have rswag to write test cases for APIs and generate API docs to test them
- I have used simplecov to know how much percentage of test cases are covered.
- I have used Bearer based JWT to authenticate the system
- I have deployed using render
- I have implemented CI/CD using .github workflow for CI(continous integration) and 'render' to CD(continous deployment)
Follwing are necessary to setup the application
ruby "3.2.2"
rails "7.0"
postgresql for db
rswag for api documentation
simplecov for code coverage
Clone the github repo
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rails rswag:specs:swaggerize => For documentation
Authenticate with user credentials at the Authentication block(scroll down the page at
username = [email protected], password = password these are user credentials. once login collect the Bearer Token and authorize
Authorize in swagger web on the top right corner to make the api calls.
Dated: 27/01/2024 14:15 IST
Dockerized the whole application.
- Install Docker and Docker compose
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose up