A fully functioning front end for a food delivery application. Developed using React.js. It consists of a variety of food options, the ability to add to cart, an address/payment page, and a login/sign up popup page. It is fully responsive for different screens and has minimal animations.
Credits for this project belong to GreatStack Youtube Channel Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@GreatStackDev Video Tutorial Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jRTo7ILxQc&t=3129s&ab_channel=GreatStack
HOW TO USE: Download the code as ZIP file, extract contents to file and redirect to directory 'food-delivery-front-end-main' to access the source code. Make sure to install NPM. Execute the following statements:
- npm create vite@latest
- npm install
- npm install react-router-dom
- npm run dev (starts a localhost server)
For better understanding please watch the video (Link above)