Git clone the repo using the SSH key into the html folder/where you want the project to live
In your terminal cmd line, run git clone then-the-copied-ssh-link
CD into the newly created project directory, you should now be on master branch
Ensuring you are in your project root folder (in terminal), run the following 4 commands:
npm install gulp --save-dev
npm install gulp-sass --save-dev
npm install gulp-sourcemaps --save-dev
npm install typescript gulp-typescript --save-dev
composer dump-autoload
gulp watch
For writing JS, only use the root/js/main.ts file (this will compile to the root/js/dist/main.js file)
For writing CSS, only use the root/scss/style.scss (this will compile to the root/css/style.css file)
Every file that needs autoloading will then need a require('vendor/autoload.php');