Lightweight assertion library with predefined messages.
All methods produce exception IllegalArgumentException in the case if statement false. All methods return given value back without any modifications.
Method | Description |
Require.nonNull | Check if value is not null. |
Require.nonBlank | Check if value is not null and not blank, contains any character different from whitespace |
Require.nonEmpty | Check if string or collection is not null and not empty |
Require.length | Check if value is not null and has length between minLength and maxLength |
Require.maxLength | Check if value is not null and has length between 0 and maxLength |
Require.minLength | Check if value is not null and has length more then minLength |
Require.nonBlankMaxLength | Check if value is not blank and has length between 1 and maxLength |
Require.format | Check if value is not null and has match regexp pattern format |
Require.positive | Check if numeric value is not null and positive |
Require.negative | Check if numeric value is not null and negative |
Require.gtThanZero | Check if numeric is not null and grate than 0 |
Require.lsThanZero | Check if numeric is not null and less than 0 |
public final class RequestId {
private final String value;
public RequestId(@Nullable final String value) {
this.value = Require.nonBlank(value, "requestId");
public String value() {
return value;
Library is available on MavenCentral.
Apache Maven:
Gradle Groovy DSL:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.ilubenets:require:1.3'