2024-06-20 tmadlener (PR#46)
- Prefix currently unprefixed member variables of the
with anm_
- Prefix currently unprefixed member variables of the
2024-06-19 Ulrich Einhaus (PR#45)
- Adds SelectNthEventsProcessor.
- This sets its own processor ReturnValue to true or false, depending on chosen parameters, which can be used in the Marlin steering file to use a particular sub-set of a sample.
- Via the InvertSelection parameter this can be easily inverted, which is convenient for training vs. inference of ML models.
2024-04-29 tmadlener (PR#44)
- Update CI to use latest clicdp nightlies and central key4hep build workflows
- Make Catch2 discovery a bit more robust and easier to use
2024-04-29 Bohdan Dudar (PR#43)
- Avoid the TColor warning when retrieving existing colours.