Authors :
Carole Bonfré - CheepCheep
Antoine Martin - p0907931 - hyptos
Tutors :
Eddy Caron
Yves Caniou
University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Populate the conf.ini
Install dependencies :
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run all tests :
- Add more documentation
- Mode rafale a faire
- Gestion des erreurs
- Ajouter un provider ownCloud
How to use the application
Clean all results :
make clean
Compile all results into one file :
make compile
Samples :
Launch a bench on amazon with a random file of 2048 bytes, the tests will be run 5 times by default
python -od amazon -s 2048
Result :
Launch a bench on amazon and googledrive with a random file of 4096 bytes, the tests will be run 3 times.
python -od amazon googledrive -n 3 -s 4096
Result :
See the LICENCE file