This HashiCorp playground demonstrates capabilities of Vault, Consul and Boundary.
Let’s first create a Kind environment
kind create cluster --config=kind/cluster.yaml
Set the kubectl configuration to point to kind
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind
Now we have a kind cluster!
Let’s also install the metrics-server, so we can observe any potential memory issues
helm repo add metrics-server
Update the repo so we can install the metrics-server
helm repo update
Install the metrics-server with compatibility options for kind
helm upgrade --install --set args={--kubelet-insecure-tls} metrics-server metrics-server/metrics-server --namespace kube-system
Now we can observe the memory usage of the cluster using kubectl top nodes
Time to configure our cluster to do something…
We assume you also use a Mac with homebrew.
First, we need to add the homebrew-tap, which contains all the HashiCorp software
brew tap hashicorp/tap
There’s a special CLI available to deploy the Consul helm chart.
Let’s install it!
brew install hashicorp/tap/consul-k8s
Check the installed version
consul-k8s version
Let’s now install the Consul Helm chart
consul-k8s install -config-file=consul/override-values.yaml
Watch Consul being deployed
watch kubectl get pods -n consul
Port forward to see the cluster
kubectl port-forward svc/consul-ui --namespace consul 8501:443
Afterwards you can navigate to the cluster: https://localhost:8501/ui/dc1/services
We need to install helm before we can install the Vault helm chart
brew install helm
And let’s create the Vault namespace
kubectl create namespace vault
We need to add the HashiCorp helm chart repository
helm repo add hashicorp
Update the helm repo
helm repo update
Let’s now install the Vault Helm chart
helm install vault hashicorp/vault -f vault/override-values.yaml -n vault
Watch Vault being deployed
watch kubectl get pods -n vault
After the pods have started, we can initialize the Vault and add the keys to the cluster-keys.json file
kubectl exec -n vault vault-0 -- vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1 -format=json > cluster-keys.json
Port forward the Vault port to localhost
kubectl port-forward service/vault --namespace vault 8200:8200
Afterwards you can navigate to the cluster: https://localhost:8200
Show the kind cluster
kind get clusters
Delete the cluster
kind delete cluster