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deterministic testing of protocol violations
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xificurC committed Oct 7, 2024
1 parent 4ea5b9d commit c10fc2c
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Showing 3 changed files with 100 additions and 18 deletions.
13 changes: 4 additions & 9 deletions src/contrib/debug.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,16 +52,11 @@
it (flow #(do (dbgf [nm id 'notified]) (n)) #(do (dbgf [nm id 'terminated]) (t)))]
IFn (#?(:clj invoke :cljs -invoke) [_] (dbgf [nm id 'cancelled]) (it))
(#?(:clj invoke :cljs -invoke) [_ _] it)
IDeref (#?(:clj deref :cljs -deref) [_]
(let [v (try @it (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e [::ex e]))]
(dbgf [nm id 'transferred
(if false #_(instance? Failure v) ; FIXME Update to electric v3
(let [e (.-error v)]
[(type e) (ex-message e)])
(if (and (vector? v) (= ::ex (first v)))
(throw (second v))
(let [[t v] (try [::ok @it] (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e [::ex e]))]
(dbgf [nm id 'transferred (if (= ::ex t) [(type v) (ex-message v)] v)])
(if (= ::ex t) (throw v) v))))))))
(defmacro instrument [nm v] `(hyperfiddle.electric3/input (instrument* ~nm (hyperfiddle.electric3/pure ~v))))

(defmacro js-measure [nm & body]
Expand Down
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions src/hyperfiddle/incseq/flow_protocol_enforcer.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,30 +2,31 @@
#?(:clj (:import [clojure.lang IDeref IFn]))
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [hyperfiddle.incseq.flow-protocol-enforcer :refer [cannot-throw]])))

(defn violated
(defn %violated
([nm msg] (println nm "flow protocol violation:" msg) #?(:cljs (.error js/console) :clj (prn (Throwable.))))
([nm msg e]
(println nm "flow protocol violation:" msg)
(#?(:clj prn :cljs js/console.error) e)))

(defmacro cannot-throw [nm f] `(try (~f) (catch ~(if (:js-globals &env) :default 'Throwable) e#
(violated ~nm ~(str f " cannot throw") e#))))
(defmacro cannot-throw [f nm violated]
`(try (~f) (catch ~(if (:js-globals &env) :default 'Throwable) e#
(~violated ~nm ~(str f " cannot throw") e#))))

(def diff? (every-pred :grow :degree :shrink :change :permutation :freeze))

(defn is-array? [v] #?(:clj (-> v class .isArray) :cljs (array? v)))
(defn pretty [v] (cond-> v (is-array? v) vec))

(defn enforce
([input-flow] (enforce {} input-flow))
([{nm :name, f :transfer, :as o} input-flow]
([flow] (enforce {} flow))
([{nm :name, f :transfer, violated :on-violate :as o :or {violated %violated}} flow]
(fn [step done]
(let [!should-step? (atom ::init), !done? (atom false)
step (fn []
(when @!done? (violated nm "step after done"))
(if (first (swap-vals! !should-step? not)) (cannot-throw nm step) (violated nm "double step")))
done (fn [] (if (first (reset-vals! !done? true)) (violated nm "done called twice") (cannot-throw nm done)))
cancel (try (input-flow step done)
(if (first (swap-vals! !should-step? not)) (cannot-throw step nm violated) (violated nm "double step")))
done (fn [] (if (first (reset-vals! !done? true)) (violated nm "done called twice") (cannot-throw done nm violated)))
cancel (try (flow step done)
(catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e (violated nm "flow process creation threw" e)))
check-transfer (if f
(fn [t v]
Expand All @@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
(fn [_ _]))]
(when (and (:initialized o) (= ::init @!should-step?)) (violated nm "missing initial step"))
IFn (#?(:clj invoke :cljs -invoke) [_] (cannot-throw nm cancel))
IFn (#?(:clj invoke :cljs -invoke) [_] (cannot-throw cancel nm violated))
IDeref (#?(:clj deref :cljs -deref) [_]
(let [should-step (first (swap-vals! !should-step? not))
[t v] (try [:ok @cancel] (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e [:ex e]))]
Expand Down
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions test/hyperfiddle/detest.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
(ns hyperfiddle.detest
(:import #?(:clj [clojure.lang IFn IDeref])
#?(:clj [clojure.lang ExceptionInfo])
#?(:cljs [goog.math Long])
[missionary Cancelled])
(:require [hyperfiddle.incseq.flow-protocol-enforcer :as fpe]
#?(:cljs [ :refer [->box]])
[contrib.debug :as dbg]
[clojure.string :as str]))

;; DETErministic TESTing, so naturally, DETEST

(defn ->xorshift64 [seed]
(let [!v (atom seed)]
(fn step
([] (swap! !v (fn [v]
(let [v (bit-xor v (bit-shift-left v 7))]
(bit-xor v (unsigned-bit-shift-right v 9))))))
([n] (if (zero? n) n (mod (step) n)))))))

#?(:clj (defn random-seed [] (-> new .nextLong)))

(defn ->xorshift64 [seed]
(let [<v> (->box seed)
step (fn [] (let [^Long v (<v>)
^Long v (.xor v (.shiftLeft v 7))]
(<v> (.xor v (.shiftRightUnsigned v 9)))))]
(fn self
([] (let [^Long v (step)] (.toNumber v)))
([n] (if (zero? n) n (let [^Long v (step)] (mod (.toNumber v) n))))))))

#?(:cljs (defn random-seed [] (Long/fromBits (rand-int 0x100000000) (rand-int 0x100000000))))

(defprotocol Engine
(exercise [this opts flow])
(roll [this] [this nm])
(add-proc [this proc])
(del-proc [this proc]))

(defn instrument [nm flow]
(fn [step done]
(let [it ((dbg/instrument* nm flow) step done)]
(#?(:clj invoke :cljs -invoke) [_] (it))
(#?(:clj invoke :cljs -invoke) [_ n] ((it :process) n))
(#?(:clj deref :cljs -deref) [_] @it)))))

(defn on-violate
([nm msg] (on-violate nm msg nil))
([nm msg e] (throw (ex-info (str nm " flow protocol violation: " msg) {} e))))

(defn ->engine
([] (->engine {}))
([{:keys [seed]}]
(let [seed (or seed (random-seed)), rng (->xorshift64 seed), !proc* (atom [])]
(reify Engine
(add-proc [_ proc] (swap! !proc* conj proc))
(del-proc [_ proc] (swap! !proc* (fn [proc*] (filterv #(not= % proc) proc*))))
(roll [_] (rng))
(roll [_ n] (rng n))
(exercise [this opts flow]
(try (let [flow (fpe/enforce {:name ::root, :on-violate on-violate} flow)
!s (atom nil)
root (flow #(reset! !s :step) #(reset! !s :done))]
(add-proc this root)
(while (not= :done @!s)
(let [proc* @!proc*, n (rng (count proc*)), proc (nth proc* n)]
(if (= proc root)
(case @!s
(:done nil) (when (> 1 (rng 100)) (root))
(:step) (condp > (rng 100)
1 (root)
25 nil
#_else (try (reset! !s nil) @root
(catch Cancelled _)
(catch ExceptionInfo e
(when-not (str/starts-with? (ex-message e) "[DETEST OK] ")
(throw e))))))
(proc (rng)))))
(dotimes [_ 3] (root)))
(catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e
(throw (ex-info (str "exercise failed with seed " seed) {:seed seed} e)))))))))

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