This extensions contains a bunch of tools methods for iOS & Android.
There is an include.nmml file and the ndll are compiled for:
- ios armv6
- ios armv7
- ios simulator
- android armv6
For recompiling the native extensions just use the sh files contained in the project folder.
isConnected: Does the device has a active connection of any type.
getConnectionType: Get the type of the active connection (NONE / WIFI / MOBILE)
isWifi: Allow to test if active connection is of Wifi type.
listen:The extension listen for connectivity status change.
The Device class:
getName: Return the device name on iOS (example: Bob's iPad), the device model name on Android (Example : Nexus 4)
getUuid: Return the device uuid. It's not using the device uuid, but a generated uuid for both platforms.
getLanguageCode: Return the device language code.
getScreenHeight: Return the device screen height.
getScreenWidth: Return the device screen width.
getScaleFactor: Return the screen scale factor.
isTablet: Return true if the current device is a tablet.
The Android platform class (hypsystem.system.platform.Android)
getScreenBucket: Return the screen bucket of the device. (ldpi/mdpi/hdpi/xhdpi/xxhdpi)
dpToPx: Convert a DP value to pixels
getUDID: Return the device UDID.
The DateTools class (hypsystem.system.DateTools)
Adding ISO & UTF date support to haxe by using native methods (iOS & Android)
Developed by : Johann Martinache @shoe_box
This work is under BSD simplified License.