- Windows, Linux , MacOS
- node 12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
- electron 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,22,23,24,25
- currently arh x64 (possible M1, arm64 and others if were available hosts with the type of processes)
npm i opencv4nodejs-prebuilt-install
check supporting platforms and processes!
- prebuilt in node_modules/opencv4nodejs-prebuilt-install/build
const cv = require('opencv4nodejs-prebuilt-install');
import * as cv from 'opencv4nodejs-prebuilt-install'
Set your own properties inside of package.json for opencv4nodejs up to 4.6.0 depends on necessary versions and flags
"opencv4nodejs": {
"autoBuildWithoutContrib": 1,
"autoBuildOpencvVersion": "4.1.1",
"disableAutoBuild": 1
- Then for building opencv for current processor
npm run create_opencvlib
Result in folder osOpencvWorlds/*/*.tar
- and then for building opencv for current node with have been prepared files for processor
npm run create_opencvnode_prebuild
Result in folder opencv/build/bin for windows or in opencv/build/lib for linux and darwin
Create fork of the repo and add necessary changes then create poll request to the repo and i will recreate libs
For example i was able to add method invert recently
- added to
Nan::SetMethod(target, "invert", Invert);
Nan::SetMethod(target, "invertAsync", InvertAsync);
NAN_METHOD(Core::Invert) {
FF::syncBinding<CoreBindings::Invert>("Core", "Invert", info);
NAN_METHOD(Core::InvertAsync) {
FF::asyncBinding<CoreBindings::Invert>("Core", "Invert", info);
- added to core.h
static NAN_METHOD(Invert);
static NAN_METHOD(InvertAsync);
- added to coreBinding.h
class Invert : public CvClassMethodBinding<Mat> {
void createBinding(std::shared_ptr<FF::Value<cv::Mat>> self) {
auto flags = opt<FF::IntConverter>("flags", 0);
auto dst = ret<Mat::Converter>("dst");
executeBinding = [=]() {
cv::invert(self->ref(), dst->ref(), flags->ref());
- added to cv.d.ts
export function invert(mat: Mat, flags?: number): Mat;
export function invertAsync(mat: Mat, flags?: number): Promise<Mat>;