This repository contains my solutions to LeetCode coding challenges in Python. The question stack I am using is Top Interview Questions
LeetCode is a popular platform for software engineers to practice coding problems and improve their coding skills. As a Machine Learning Engineer, I've been using LeetCode to improve my coding skills and learn new algorithms and data structures.
This repository contains Python solutions to LeetCode problems. I've organized the solutions by the problem number, and each solution includes a detailed explanation of the problem, my thought process and approach, and the code itself.
This repository contains solutions to LeetCode problems in Python, organized by problem number. Each problem includes:
- A detailed explanation of the problem, including any constraints or assumptions
- My thought process and approach to solving the problem
- The code itself, with detailed comments explaining each step
- Two Sum-Easy
- Add two Numbers - Medium
- Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters - Medium
- Median of Two Sorted Arrays - Hard
- Longest Palindromic Substring - Medium
- Reverse Integer - Medium
- String to Integer (atoi) - Medium
- Regular Expression Matching - Hard - In Progress
- Containers With Most Water - Medium
- Roman to Integer - Easy
- Longest Common Prefix - Easy
- 3Sum - Medium
To get started with this repository, you will need:
- A computer with Python 3 installed
- A LeetCode account to access the problems To run the code, simply download or clone the repository and run the Python files. Each file contains a single solution to a specific problem, and can be run independently.
Contributing If you find an error in any of the solutions or have a better solution to a problem, feel free to contribute to the repository. Simply fork the repository, make your changes, and create a pull request.