This is a PHP client for the Semaphore SMS service provider with out of the box Laravel integration.
Install via composer:
composer require humans/semaphore-sms
To start using the library, we'll have to provide the Sempahore API key.
$client = new Client(
// If the sender is left blank, SEMAPHORE will be the default sender name.
$client->message()->send('0917xxxxxxx', '<Your message here>');
If you're using Laravel, we have some conveniences set up for you. First off, you can set your API key and sender name in your .env file.
If you have package discovery disabled, make sure to register the Humans\Semaphore\Laravel\ServiceProvider
in your app.php
You can use the Semaphore
facade provided by the package.
use Humans\Semaphore\Laravel\Facades\Semaphore;
'<Your message here>'
If you want to use Laravel's Notification features, this package provides a SemaphoreChannel
In your notifiable class, add a routeNotificationForSempahore
method and use the database column that
holds the mobile number.
class User {
use Notifiable;
// ...
public function routeNotificationForSemaphore()
return $this->mobile_number;
use Humans\Semaphore\Laravel\Contracts\UsesSemaphore;
class Welcome extends Notification implements UsesSemaphore
public function via($notifiable): array
return [SemaphoreChannel::class];
public function toSemaphore($notifiable): SemaphoreMessage
return (new SemaphoreMessage)
->message('<Your message here>');
User::first()->notify(new Welcome);
In the case where you need to send a message but you don't need a model, this package also supports Laravel's on-demand notifications.
use Humans\Semaphore\Laravel\SemaphoreChannel;use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
Notification::route(SemaphoreChannel::class, '0917xxxxxxx')->notify(new Welcome);