Hello everyone we are a group of six peoples and we cloned a kimaye website by using HTML, CSS, JS.
- Netlify link:- https://kimaye-masai.netlify.app.
- Homepage with carousel feature:- Humam Ul Islam.
- Signup, login, forgot password and account pages with random otp feature:- Harshal Pardeshi.
- Cart page with adding and removing items:- Dilip Kumar.
- Product page with sorting feature:- Rohit Mourya.
- Grow page with description and search feature:- Prashant Kumar.
- Learn pages with sorting feature:- Abhay Kumar Agrawal.
- Created responsive by using media queries.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at:
- Humam UI Islam => [email protected]
- Harshal Pardeshi => [email protected]
- Dilip Kumar => [email protected]
- Rohit Mourya => [email protected]
- Prashant Kumar => [email protected]
- Abhay Agarwal => [email protected]